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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 38(292)

Рубрика журнала: Психология

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Библиографическое описание:
Shlyakhova T. FINANCIAL LITERACY OF GRADUATES OF ORPHANAGES. ANALYSIS, DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 38(292). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/292/348806 (дата обращения: 24.02.2025).


Shlyakhova Tatyana

student, Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Belgorod State National Research University, Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications,

Russia, Belgorod


Every adult is faced with finances in their life and everyone should correctly understand what it is, why it is needed, how it can affect them and what consequences it can bring in order to distribute them competently in the future. It is much more difficult for a person who grew up in an orphanage for lack of experience and knowledge in this area to deal with this, and according to statistics, the lack of financial literacy in the life of a former orphanage pupil leads to risks such as debt obligations, lack of savings and financial instability.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the current level of financial literacy of kindergarten graduates, develop measures to improve it and possible approaches to their implementation.


Keywords: financial literacy, orphans from an orphanage, development of a plan for the introduction of financial literacy.


Statistics available in open sources and a number of numerous studies show us that the level of financial literacy among graduates of orphanages is critically low. The main reasons are the low level of medical services, insufficient attention to the educational process of children and adolescents, the lack of teachers, as well as the lack of teachers involved and interested in quality education. There are various initiatives aimed at improving financial literacy for the future, but most of them do not take into account the specifics of this category of development. General education programs often turn out to be ineffective because they are not adapted to the requirements of graduates of orphanages.

To solve the problems, a specialized training program has been developed, which will include modules of practical training, game trainings and participation. The integration of modules should take place through game forms, trainings and individual support. It is important for teenagers to explain not only basic concepts such as budgeting or financial planning, but also more complex aspects related to loans, taxes and interaction with construction sites. Practical exercises may include modeling the opening of bank accounts, creating savings, planning expenses and making a plan in case of financial difficulties.

Special attention should be paid to the emotional component of such activities. Teenagers with a difficult fate often perceive financial issues through the prism of distrust and sound. Therefore, educational programs should be aimed at ensuring that they have confidence in themselves and their ability to live with money issues. The integration of mentors or mentors who not only help to master the results, but also gain their own experience, can improve work efficiency.

In order to adapt teenagers to real conditions, it is important to involve representatives of business or banks in the programs, who can conduct master classes or share tips. Such situations allow not only to strengthen practical skills, but also to present the opportunities that open up to financially literate people in adolescence.

These programs are designed not only to explain to graduates how to maintain a personal budget or manage debts, but also to help them exist in adulthood and make it better. Mentors, attracted from among professionals and volunteers, can play a key role, providing support and interest to pupils in learning and implementing the acquired knowledge in the first years of independent life, which should form useful habits for further existence.

The importance of the project is to involve educational institutions, specialized services and private businesses in the partnership. This choice is due to the ability of these companies to provide not only educational resources, but also to organize internships and master classes for graduates of orphanages. Also, in order to achieve the goals, it is necessary to conduct monitoring, which will include a survey of participants and an analysis of their financial condition.

The contribution to the development of the financial literacy education system among graduates of orphanages has great prospects not only in their personal lives, but also in the development of society, which consequently develops into a positive aspect of the life of the state. After all, minimizing such issues will bring to society a reduction in poverty, a reduction in debt burden, a decrease in the percentage of crime and petty hooliganism, whose motives are based on financial difficulties and an increase in the economic activity of young people. Creating conditions for self-financing graduates helps them feel more confident and build a successful future.

This topic certainly requires further study and practice. It is also necessary to focus and pay enough attention to the individual characteristics, characters, and fates of children and adolescents with a difficult fate. Use the possibilities of modern technologies and involve volunteers and other people involved in the development of the country's youth life. This program not only improves the quality of life of graduates of orphanages, but also creates a stable foundation for their dynamic and professional growth.



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