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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 41(295)

Рубрика журнала: Технические науки

Секция: Технологии

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Библиографическое описание:
Uristemov M. Effective Development of LMS Platform: My Experience Using Ready-Made Solutions // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 41(295). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/295/353393 (дата обращения: 10.03.2025).

Effective Development of LMS Platform: My Experience Using Ready-Made Solutions

Uristemov Meiirzhan

student, Department of the Higher School of Information Technologies, Turan University,

Kazakhstan, Almaty



Уристемов Мейиржан Темирханович

студент, кафедра высшей школы информационных технологий, Университет «Туран»,

РК, г. Алматы



The purpose of this study is to address the challenges that students may face in educational settings by conceptualizing and developing an online platform designed to facilitate deep learning among students, allowing them to not only acquire knowledge but also teach their peers.  The study details the creation of the platform, describing the technical architecture, user interface and key features implemented. The platform is designed to be user-friendly and accessible, providing a space where students can access a variety of educational content.


Целью данного исследования является решение проблем, с которыми учащиеся могут столкнуться в образовательных учреждениях, путем концептуализации и разработки онлайн-платформы, предназначенной для облегчения глубокого обучения среди учащихся, позволяющей им не только приобретать знания, но и обучать своих сверстников. В исследовании подробно описывается создание платформы, описывается техническая архитектура, пользовательский интерфейс и реализованные ключевые функции. Платформа спроектирована так, чтобы быть удобной и доступной, предоставляя студентам пространство, где студенты могут получить доступ к разнообразному образовательному контенту.


Keywords: education, platform, web site, student, university.

Ключевые слова: образование, платформа, веб-сайт, студент, университет.



In the fast-evolving digital age and growing complexity of universities, enhancing student education remains a key priority in education and science. Students who struggle with learning tasks may view their confusion as an inability to grasp the material. Research supports that persistent confusion often leads to frustration and boredom, negatively impacting learning [1]. Studies from Padang State University examined students’ challenges in understanding native and non-native lecturers. Results showed that native lecturers posed more linguistic difficulties, particularly due to accent and vocabulary, while non-native lecturers created more non-linguistic challenges, such as differences in teaching style, approach, and material development [2].

Materials and Methods

It is the process of defining the architecture, components, interfaces and data of a system to meet its needs according to user requirements. Excellent and clear designs and schedules for the future project are required before the actual development phase. System design can be considered as a fundamental factor in systems theory for effective product development [3]. A Golang-based web application built using a clean architecture must be integrated with other components through HTTP requests. Having received the response, as shown in Figure 1, the database access logic, or in the case of tokens or session user credentials, then caches it and sends the HTTP response via the HTML page. After successfully processing the request, the backend receives all the necessary data and sends this data as a response in JSON format. Front successfully processed this data and successfully displayed this data. All this shows that the connection of these sides of our platform will be of the Server-Side Rendering type, where the backend itself provides all the necessary answers in different formats, indicating the necessary paths. Interaction occurs with the client who sends an HTTP request and where our web server, having received this based on the existing Go files, starts and where our service processes all incoming requests along the necessary paths in the backend. The program also saves all the necessary data in a cache or database. And after successfully processing all the actions, the program sends the HTML document as an HTTP response.


Figure 1. Web app architecture


Now, based on all the above diagrams, we want to present a diagram with the addition of tools in the network. In Figure 2 you can see how the entire connection of all parties, starting from the user to how our server finds it. First, having visited the DNS server, the user goes through the Internet to our server. To do this, you need to check the firewall, disabling the items that interfere with the optimal operation of the server.


Figure 2. User - web infrastructure


The project database architecture consists of 22 tables: courses, users, menus for admin panels, roles for users and much more. Due to the properties of the data, we decided to create separate tables for photos, text, and video lessons. We also save user roles on the basis, which is also needed for the administrator panel. There are also tables that are needed to work with goadmin, which were generated through commands. To ensure uniqueness and protect data from common and predictable identifiers of users and other objects, the uuid type is used, which is generated using functions such as uuid ‘uuid_generate_v4()‘. Various database tools were also used, such as sequences and uniqueness types for entire tables, such as faculty queries and course registrations. The table is interconnected, reliable and thoughtful with keys where deletion can cause a failure, to ensure the reliability of the tables. The model is trained and evaluated on the validation dataset after each epoch, keeping improvements.


We conducted two surveys with 43 participants to gather opinions about our project. The first survey explored the interest of students or alumni who lacked similar opportunities during their studies. To encourage honesty, it was conducted anonymously. To engage a larger audience, we asked concise and focused questions. Among the 20 respondents, 43.5% were current or former SDU students, and 56.5% were from other universities. The survey revealed that 78.3% found teacher-provided knowledge insufficient to fully master course materials, requiring additional resources. Furthermore, 69.5% sought help from peers or senior students instead of teachers. These results highlighted the need for a platform where students can support each other and earn through knowledge sharing, as confirmed by the 78.3% who favored such a project (Figure 3).

To find out about our target audience and find out everything about them in detail and for future analyzes and calculations, we learned that out of 20 people, even 10 percent of people are schoolchildren, which is amazing for us that they are also interested in our platforms.


Figure 3. People’s interest


Figure 4. Connection of questionnaires with such platforms


And it shows about our future expansion models that we can embark on, which is very important. Also, 50 percent of people often use existing platforms, which in turn gives the advantage that people can quickly adapt and get used to the platform without any problems or objections (Figure 4).

Conclusion and Future work

This research demonstrates the significant potential of creating an online platform for supplementary learning where students can both learn and teach their peers. Promoting our value and approach to education, our platform solves key problems of traditional learning environments while providing flexibility. The opportunity for students to learn from each other creates a unique dynamic that encourages interaction and the opportunity to take an active role in education. It also promotes a community-oriented atmosphere that can lead to better understanding and retention of knowledge, as well as the development of essential communication and leadership skills among students. The platform’s focus on accessibility is vital to ensuring that all students, regardless of background or ability, can benefit from the opportunities it provides. This inclusive approach helps create better learning environments and supports the broader goal of democratizing education. Through this research, it is clear that such a platform can have a significant impact on the way students approach learning and teaching, paving the way for a more flexible, engaging and community-focused educational experience. The results of this study lay the foundation for future advancement and implementation of the project to create a more collaborative and effective educational environment.



  1. D’Mello, S., & Graesser, A. (2014, February 1). Confusion can be beneficial for learning. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0959475212000357
  2. Ramita & Ratmanida. (2020, March 1). Students’ difficulties in understanding lecturer’s explanation: A comparison between native and non-native lecturer. https://www.researchgate. net / publication / 345960027 _ Students ' _difficulties _ in _ understanding _ lecturer ' s _ explanation_a_comparison_between_native_and_non-native_lecturer
  3. Nakajima, S. (2011, December 8). An architecture of dynamically adaptive php-based web applications. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6130688

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