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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 42(296)

Рубрика журнала: Психология

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Библиографическое описание:
Malykhin M., Khudyakov D. PREVENTION OF COMPUTER ADDICTION IN PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 42(296). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/296/354630 (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).


Malykhin Maxim

master's student, Department of General and Clinical Psychology, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

Khudyakov Dmitry

master's student, Department of General and Clinical Psychology, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


This article provides a theoretical analysis of computer addiction in primary school children. The most effective ways of preventing computer addiction are considered.


Keywords: prevention, primary school age, computer, addiction, addiction.


Today it is difficult to imagine a modern person, including children, without a computer. Using a computer gives children access to an extensive information space, helps them expand their social circle and quickly adapt to changing conditions, as well as opens up opportunities for using additional educational resources and much more. However, along with the positive aspects, the computer also has significant negative consequences for children.

The computer has become an important part of the life of modern society, but it often overly absorbs attention and can even destroy the fragile psyche and general health of the child; we are talking about computer addiction. The term "computer addiction" was introduced back in 1990, but the relevance of this problem is not decreasing, but on the contrary, it is only increasing.

First, let's analyze the concept of dependence. In T.F. Efremova's explanatory dictionary, addiction is defined as a painful attachment to something, usually dangerous or harmful, which is difficult to give up. In the dictionary of Professor D.N. Ushakov, addiction is considered as subordination to someone's will or the influence of one personality on the behavior of another. For example, a person may be completely dependent on their loved ones. Thus, the term "addiction" refers to a person's addiction to something.

Now let's pay attention to the concept of "computer addiction". In the early 80s, American scientists first began using this term. To date, many researchers dealing with mental disorders still do not recognize the term "computer addiction". Nevertheless, every year the number of people experiencing difficulties due to excessive time spent at the computer is growing rapidly, and this problem is becoming more and more urgent.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), already at primary school age, 20% of children have behavioral abnormalities. Childhood is a key stage in every person's life, when value orientations and moral structures of personality are formed. In accordance with Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation", the health of schoolchildren is considered one of the priorities of state policy in the field of education.

The psychological well-being of children is an urgent problem of modern society, which can negatively affect the adaptation of schoolchildren to the world around them. This is due to the rapid pace of life, an excess of aggressive information and a lack of understanding of a healthy lifestyle in families. This behavior is classified as abnormal or addictive.

Areas of preventive work may include the following:

1) Cooperation with the teaching staff. This includes educational activities, organizational, methodological and advisory assistance; the introduction of monitoring methods for early detection of cases of Internet addiction and planning preventive measures; interaction of teachers with urban specialists (centers for socio-psychological assistance, medical institutions, etc.).

2) Work with younger students. This includes psychological and pedagogical support of educational work, remedial measures, individual and group consultations for students, social psychological control, as well as the organization of trainings on the development of social skills (communicative competence, self-confidence, public speaking, etc.).

3) Interaction with parents. This includes counseling parents, organizing support groups, and educational work.

The upbringing of the younger generation is one of the main tasks of modern society. In our study, we sought to identify the most effective areas of work of the school team for the prevention of Internet addiction in younger students:

1) Training of school specialists in methods of preventing addictive disorders, additional consulting on the selection and organization of non-standard methods of working with children, including the creation of intra-school mechanisms for the formation of the need for physical and social activity. These mechanisms should include monitoring methods to diagnose addictive behavior.

2) The work of specialized specialists with younger schoolchildren should include psychological and pedagogical support, identification of the causes of addiction in individual children, group and individual consultations, monitoring of the psychological state of students by the team and conducting trainings.

3) Advising parents of children at risk and accompanying the situation of dependence before being placed under the control of a specialized specialist; informing parents about the availability of support groups for mutual assistance; involving parents as participants in mutual assistance groups in working with children, as well as other adult family members who can help specialized specialists; counseling on codependency.

The organization of the prevention of computer addiction requires the participation of many qualified specialists and the child's family, as well as carefully planned comprehensive work on education at school.

Thus, despite the risk of developing computer addiction, parents should understand that it is impossible to completely protect a child from computer technology. Modern life in many areas requires the use of a computer and knowledge of how to use it. The child will interact with the computer and the Internet. It is important not to exclude him from these technologies, but to explain their importance and necessity for a person.



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