Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 1(297)
Рубрика журнала: Социология
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Леонова Элеонора Сергеевна
студент, кафедра социологии и организации работы с молодёжью, Белгородский государственный университет,
РФ, г. Белгород
Богачев Роман Евгеньевич
научный руководитель, канд. филол. наук, доц., Белгородский государственный университет,
РФ, г. Белгород
This article examines the phenomenon of gambling addiction as one of the forms of deviant behavior common among modern Russian youth. Attention is paid to the reasons contributing to the development of dependence on computer games, including psychological and social factors. The effects of gambling addiction on the personal and social functioning of young people are analyzed. The article aims to draw attention to this problem and propose solutions aimed at reducing the risks associated with gambling addictions in modern society.
В данной статье рассматривается феномен игромании как одной из форм девиантного поведения, распространенной среди современной российской молодежи. Уделяется внимание причинам, способствующим развитию зависимости от компьютерных игр, включая психологические и социальные факторы. Анализируются последствия игромании для личностного и социального функционирования молодых людей. Статья нацелена на привлечение внимания к данной проблеме и предложению решений, направленных на снижение рисков, связанных с игровыми зависимостями в современном обществе.
Keywords: youth, gambling addiction, deviant behavior, addiction, youth problems, addiction.
Ключевые слова: молодежь, игромания, девиантное поведение, зависимость, проблемы молодёжи, аддикция.
It's no secret that the situation in the field of gambling addiction, in particular, the young population of the Russian Federation, has a negative connotation. To begin with, it is worth noting that there are no official statistics on gambling addiction in Russia, such as unemployment. But at the end of July 2022, the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) presented data from a population survey [3, p.1], which concerned video games. The results of this work indicate that 23% of the inhabitants of our country play video games (that's 33 million people), and the main group of the gameplay is just young people: 56% of people aged 18 to 24 "hang out" in virtual reality playing games, and 20% of them do it's daily. Such statistics can be explained by the fact that over the past few decades, since the time of the very first computer and telephone, humanity has moved far ahead: 30-ton computers have transformed into relatively light personal computers and portable laptops, and push-button phones have turned into probably irreplaceable smartphones. It should also be noted that the number of people actively involved in various kinds of computer games would be higher. The number of people playing was influenced by Federal Law [12, p.1] No. 244 of 12/26/2006 "On State Regulation of the organization and conduct of gambling and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" (entered into force on 12/29/2006). According to this regulatory act, gambling is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of four zones-regions where gambling is allowed: the Kaliningrad Region, the Altai and Primorsky Territories, the general zone of the Krasnodar Territory and Rostov region. The purpose of the ban is to "restrict the implementation of this (gambling) activity in order to protect the morals, rights and legitimate interests of citizens," as hundreds of thousands of people across the country lost savings in the race to win a large cash prize, which were not always earned by honest labor (taken from a friend, stolen or obtained for committing a serious crime). Because of this "hobby", the players had many problems, including health problems: bad habits, suicide, short temper, suicidal tendencies, loss of moral strength, mental disorders, etc. Despite the fact that there were and are quite a lot of problems, it was not until 2021 that the news came out [11, p.1] that the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation recognizes computer addiction as a disease, and also plans to update the edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), which will include gaming disorders. To speed up the decision-making process in this area, it is necessary to study the problem of gambling addiction and develop this area.
For one group of people, who may not even be aware of the scale of the existing problem, gambling addiction is just a habit, while for another it is a severe form of addiction, a mental disorder.
Today, most people cannot imagine their lives without a computer and a phone. The reality is that we have to use technology at work, in school, for communication and entertainment. It is of interest to us to use gadgets for so-called "relaxation", that is, games. It is no news to anyone that playing on a computer not only does not help us or our body to relax, but, on the contrary, it only harms: excessive spending time at the monitor screen leads to serious health problems (headaches, migraines, blurred vision, spinal diseases, etc.) and mental problems (decreased self-esteem, deceitfulness, tendency to conflict, aggression, anger, etc.). Due to these mental health problems, the process of socialization among young people is going wrong, and the younger generation is making an invisible transition into a group of people with antisocial behavior.
Separately, it is necessary to focus on the social problems that gambling addiction leads to. Gambling addiction often becomes the reason why a person develops criminal tendencies (especially when it comes to a virtual game in which you need to invest money). In addition, tragic cases are known when a teenager caused harm to loved ones (in a state of passion) due to spending hours at a computer.
Youth is the driving force of the country. Every effort must be made to ensure that she grows up educated, well-read, athletic, cultured, and well-mannered, and gambling addiction only hinders the proper development of the younger generation, so it is necessary to minimize the time that young people spend with devices.
Currently, there are various reasons in Russia why young people "come" to gambling addiction. Among them: boredom, idleness, playing "for company", the desire to "be like everyone else", lack of communication with peers, etc. Gambling addiction in rural areas is also associated with fewer opportunities – this is a less developed infrastructure and a smaller number of events for young people (especially for people aged 20 to 35 years). Conversely, the city has a well-developed infrastructure and there are many more events involving young people, but at the same time the level of gambling addiction is not lower. What is the reason for this contradiction? And it consists in insufficient study of the factors influencing youth activity. That is why young people form their own attitude to the game, and the problems associated with gambling are solved by authoritarian methods.
Today, unfortunately, the issue of gambling addiction remains one of those that needs to be talked about and talked about loudly, because first of all it affects the youth - that part of the population on which, by default, depends how the country will develop further. To reduce this acute social problem, it is necessary to understand who is responsible.
Most children start playing in elementary school or even preschool age. They learn gadgets so quickly that they are often referred to as "born with a phone in their hands." However, it must be remembered that the responsibility for children before the age of majority is borne by their parents, and it is on them that the psychological, mental and physical health of the child depends. A phone, computer, or any other device is not a tool for manipulation and control, which it can sometimes be or is in many cases. Both children and adults can manipulate using devices. From an early age, it is necessary to make it clear to the child that these gadgets are designed primarily to make life easier for a person (use for study, work, etc.). Parents need to limit and closely monitor the amount of time that children spend on games.
As a rule, those who are not passionate about anything or, in other words, those who do not have hobbies or activities to their liking spend more time on the computer and play more often. Parents are also responsible for this factor to some extent. We must try to support the child's initiatives when he is looking for a hobby that he likes. And if the child has time to play, even in reasonable amounts, then it is necessary to ensure that the passion does not develop into a disease that is difficult to get rid of.
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