Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 6(302)
Рубрика журнала: Психология
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The article examines the question of the relationship between self-esteem and motivation for success among university students, and also conducts a study of this relationship on the basis of BelSU. The results of the study are justified on the basis of collected and systematized data.
Keywords: self-assessment, motivation for success, research.
Self-consciousness and the inner world of a person has always been of interest to philosophers, artists, musicians, and writers. The inner "I" of a person was initially associated with the knowledge of oneself as a thinking being. However, as a result of further research, it turned out that the human "I" is not limited to mental properties, that this concept is multifaceted and includes everything that makes a person feel full. Since the 70s of the 20th century, Russian and foreign psychology has placed the phenomenon of "I" almost at the center of its scientific interests. An important position in the conducted research was taken by the problem of self-esteem. Self-assessment, being a part of self-consciousness, includes both a person's assessment of himself, and the scale of defining values against which this assessment is made. A person realizes his "I" and his activity on a daily basis, based on the goals set, individual characteristics and specifics of interaction with the environment.
According to N. Branden, self-esteem is confidence in the ability to be happy and solve life problems, the right to state one's own abilities, and a sense of dignity [3]. According to R. Burns, self-esteem is a person's position about their own value, which is revealed throughthe individual's attitude [1]. According to the views of I. S. Cohn, self-esteem is part of the" self-image", the components of which should be considered in the" self-image " system, i.e., an individual's assessment of himself is compared with the real picture of his behavior, abilities and opinions of other people [6].
Despite the many definitions of self-esteem, each of which has the right to exist, the structure of this psychological phenomenon is more unambiguous: scientists distinguish two components in the basis of self – esteem-emotional-value and cognitive [2].
Thecognitive component means a person's information about themselves, and the emotional-value component means their attitude to themselves. When a person gives himself an assessment, this structure functions in a single way, since a person gets knowledge about himself from public opinion, which in any case will receive an emotional coloring. And its strength will correspond to how importantthe estimated content plays for a person [7].
The most common division of self-esteem into adequate and overestimated (undervalued). Adequate self-esteem is characterized by the absence of a gap between a person's opinion of themselves and their real abilities. If an individual has a big difference between his real capabilities and the views of others, then we will talk about overestimatedor underestimated self-esteem [7]. If a person has an inadequately low self-esteem, because they evaluate their abilities below the actual ones, set simple tasks for themselves and, as a result, do not improve, such people have low initiative and high self-criticism.
In the modern world, human activity plays a very important role. Therefore, psychology also considers another concept that affects human behavior, like self-esteem. The formation of the subject of activity, who is able to consciously set life guidelines, goals that he can achieve, and take responsibility for the decisions made, is provided by the achievement motivation, which is expressed through the value attitude of the individual to himself as a person and as a subject of activity.
In a general sense, motivation is a complex of circumstancesств псof a psychological nature, on the basis of which the level and nature деятельностнойof a person's activity essence is formed. The phenomenon of "motivation" includes goals, needs, interests, aspirations, as well as a system of factors "from the outside", due to which the vector of human behavior changesin one direction or another [4].
Let's take a closer look at the concept of motivation for success. Motivation for success (or according to D. McClelland, achievement motivation) is an opportunity to support or enhance an individual's performance in various types of activities, in which you can refer to success indicators and where the result canbe evaluated only from the position of luck and failure [5]. It is the desire to achieve success that often encourages a person to engage in a certain type of activity, to pay more attention to study. In general, motivation for success has a positive nature, because it directs a person along the path that should lead mostly to useful results.
Wedecided to find and study the relationship between self-esteem andmotivation for success among university students, becauseadolescence is a special period in the development of personality, when переструктурированиеall levels of the psyche are restructured in connection with entering a new role of a student. During this age period, the desire for educational and professional activities prevails, self-assessment and self-determination occur.
To study the relationship between students ' self-esteem and motivation for success, we conducted a survey on the basis of BelSUNational Research University. It was attended by 20 2nd-year students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Education. To test our hypothesis, we need to examine two parameters: the level of self-esteem and the level of motivation to succeed. For the purpose of this review, we selected the following research methods:
- Test-questionnaire "Determining the level of self-esteem" (S. V. Kovalev);
- Test for motivation to succeed (T. Ehlers).
The first stage of the study was to identify the level of students ' self-esteem. Its results can beseen in the diagram (Fig.1):
Figure 1. Distribution of students by self-assessment levels
Wecan say that students with low self-esteem are in the majority, and we can relate this to the fact that student age is the time of transition from childhood to adulthood, when independent decisions and the formation of their own value system begin, but adult pressure largely has a detrimental effect, leading to a decline in the level of self-esteem.
According to our hypothesis, self-esteem and motivation for success have a certain relationship. To confirm our hypothesis, we determined the level of motivation for success among students with different levels of self-esteem.
Figure 2. Correlation of the level of motivation to success in groups of students with different levels of self-esteem
When considering students with a low level of self-esteem (Figure 2), it can be noted that with this level of self – esteem, there are no students with the corresponding level of motivation to succeed; 31% of university students have an average level of motivation to succeed; 38% of students have a moderately high level of motivation to succeed; 31% have too high a level. It should be noted that students who were found to have a low level of self-esteem have a moderately high level of motivation for success. After analyzing this result, we can explain this by saying that with low self-esteem, the student does not set large-scale tasks for himself, but those that can be taken on or those that can be inspired by people around him.
Based on the diagnosis of students with an average level of self-esteem, it can be concluded that there are no students with low or excessively high motivation to succeed. 50% of students have an average level of motivation, while the уrest have a moderately high level. The lack of low motivation among students can be explained by the fact that they, having average self-esteem, actively act and clearly understand their goals, striving to achieve them.
Summing up the results of our study, we can conclude that the hypothesis was confirmed: students with different levels of self-esteem have differences in motivation for success. The results of self-assessment diagnostics showed that 80% of students have low self - esteem, and 20% have average self-esteem. When analyzing the data obtained, we found a pattern: the lower self-esteem, the higher the levelof motivation for success (Figure 2). This can be explained by the strong need for students to demonstrate their abilities and gain approval from society, regardless of their actual capabilities. In modern conditions, among active youth, there is a significant percentage of people with low self-esteem.
In general, based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the purpose of the study has been achieved, the hypothesis that says that students with different levels of self-esteem will differ in the level of motivation for success has been confirmed.
Список литературы:
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