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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 11(55)

Рубрика журнала: Технические науки

Секция: Транспортные коммуникации

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Библиографическое описание:
Шляхов А.А. THE CARGO REGISTRATION AND TRANSPORTATION PROCESS ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE «PROF-POSTAVKI» COMPANY // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2019. № 11(55). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/55/135288 (дата обращения: 11.03.2025).


Шляхов Алексей Андреевич

student, Master Degree, Business College, Beijing Union University,

Beijing, China

Today there are a lot of food trends people follow in everyday life. Consumers’ ability to purchase goods and services from all over the world has diversity of the choices. Customer behavior is growing almost daily. Some people occasionally prefer healthy food, others count calories, another prefer imported food products in a case of trying new tastes and evaluate quality from abroad. While the stores are full of the international food products, consumers both purchase national food and are willing to buy imported products [6; 7].

Proverb says “tasted differ” and when it comes to food industry this is one of the reliable and interesting subjects for researchers all over the world. People’s Republic of China and Russian Federation have strong relationship in almost all dimensions of lives, from societies to politics; include economics and mutual interest in growing countries friendships [8].

People from different generations have different habits in food purchasing. When it comes to different nationalities within one place for purchase decision many of the criteria come to attention of the purchaser. It might be cultural habits, personal attitudes, psychological behavior – all intentions that customers have while decision making process [10].

The trend tends to be that a lot of food is sent these days from Russia to China. The Beijing service, the University has provided the opportunity to conduct an analysis of Russian goods in the Chinese market. Thanks to this research it was identified that a large part of costs is called entrepreneurial transport costs [9]. In this research article it will be demonstrated a trial delivery of cargo from Russia to China. Thus, it will be able to see what the logistics route consists of and how this way is working.

The cargo registration and transportation process on the example of the «Prof-Postavki» company:

Let us consider the example, that a client, located in Moscow, sends his application to LLC "Prof-Postavki" with a description of the goods, its quantity, transportation conditions, place of arrival, with a request to calculate the cost of delivery of the goods to the designated place. Cargo-parquet and parquet products, the supplier is in China. The specialist of LLC "Prof-Postavki" considers the client's application and on the basis of his requirements makes a "commercial offer", which indicates the final cost of transportation.

The cost of transportation includes:

  • PRR in the territory of the VKT terminal (unloading from the vessel on the pier, PRR on loading of the loaded container on motor transport, PRR when moving the container from section to section);
  • storage of 7 days on SVH VKT from the moment of unloading of the container from the vessel;
  • processing of goods in the container (the movement of the container terminal area, consolidation of containers of the client in a specific partition, the movement of container shipments on railway);
  • forwarding in the port of Vostochny;
  • flow platform in the port;
  • railway fees and charges for Vostochny station-Export (railway station in Vostochny port);
  • loading of the container on the platform;
  • registration of railway invoices;
  • coordination of the scheme of linking and securing the cargo;
  • railway St. the rate of departure - station of destination;
  • cargo tracking on the way;
  • VAT (18%);
  • in additional agreement with the client protection of the container EN route [4].

If the client is satisfied with the conditions and cost, then a contract is concluded with him, which specifies:

  • trade names of the parties to the contract;
  • subject of contract;
  • freight forwarder's obligations;
  • obligations of the customer;
  • obligations of the parties;
  • calculations;
  • dispute resolution procedure of the parties;
  • term of the contract and its termination;
  • force majeure;
  • other offers;
  • legal addresses of the parties.

LLC "Prof-Delivery" represents the client's interests under the contract, the FS - proxy. The customer, as a rule, has its own brokers in the East, which are engaged in customs clearance of goods. Documents required for customs clearance: original sea bill of lading, packing lists, invoice and copy of the customer's contract with the supplier). In order for brokers to start customs clearance of the container, the Forwarder sends the original bill of landing; all other documents are sent to the broker directly by the sender. Under the terms of the contract concluded between LLC "VKT" and LLC "Prof-Postavki" VKT provides the forwarder with 7 days of preferential storage of the container at the terminal, for registration of all necessary for the release of cargo from customs documents and its fence from the terminal VKT. If the goods from the import arrived in a container that is owned by agents of the sea line (ship-owner), then after 7 days of container downtime at the terminal from the moment of unloading the container from the vessel, the owner of the container, in this case, JSC "APL" exposes a fine - "late pick up fee" (excess use of the owner's container in the port or a fine for late export of the owner's container). Further (after 7 preferential days, which the terminal allocates for cargo processing to the freight forwarder), the VKT charges paid (excess) storage, which is charged from 8 to 14 days, then from 15 to 25 days and from 26 days, the cost of excess storage is charged in accordance with the above-mentioned time intervals, with an increase in the storage period, the cost of the container storage at the terminal increases. All costs of moving containers to the long-term storage section are paid by the freight forwarder. All port terminals, particularly the terminal WCL conducts radiation monitoring device "amber", with all goods imported to the territory of the terminal. If the cargo "rings", the VKT sends the container to the MFA procedure (x-ray inspection), for which an additional invoice is issued to the freight forwarder. Representatives of the Customs post in the process of customs clearance, have the right to open the container, open the seals, inspect the goods, take samples and send the container for the MFA procedure. All operations that are carried out on the instructions of customs at the terminal VKT are paid by the freight forwarder [1; 2].

The freight forwarder under the contract with JSC "APL", in the case of shipment to other regions and cities of the Russian Federation, is obliged to pay the fee" Drop off "(the rate for processing and delivery of the empty container), in this case, the freight forwarder is obliged within 25 days, from the container exit from the terminal, to hand over the container to the" empty container depot "at the destination, which was agreed by JSC"APL". If within 25 days you do not have time to hand over the container, then there is an additional fee "Detention", for which you are fined depending on the overdue time of delivery of the container LLC "Prof-Postavki"" gives instructions for the delivery of empty containers to your consignee (this is usually their contractors who carry out the export of the container to the door of the client's warehouse), which indicates the contact person and the address of the depot. When the container is delivered to the" empty container depot "the representative of LLC" Prof-Postavki "receives the" act of acceptance of the empty container", the act is sent to the Corporation "APL" [3].

The possibility of the insurance company LCC “Prof-Delivery”:

The risks associated with the transport of goods are very diverse. In addition to the fact that there may be damage to the cargo or even its direct loss, there are also customs risks and risks of liability of forwarders, carriers, operators and guards of warehouse terminals.

Thus, the client is often not even very clear what they are, guarantees, because he does not always clearly understand the role of the freight forwarder in front of him. However, the knowledge that the partner will be able in case of shortage, damage or theft of cargo during transportation to compensate for the damage with the help of an insurance company, gives the client confidence in the feasibility of working with a particular forwarding company. At the same time, we must remember that none of the existing Russian industry statutes and codes, nor international legal norms oblige the actual carrier, the contractual carrier (aka multimodal transport operator, MTO) or the freight forwarder to insure their responsibility for the safety of the transported cargo. The amount and limitations (if any) of liability are provided for by Russian laws and international conventions, but the obligation of insurance is not.



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