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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 20(64)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

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Библиографическое описание:
Gadoeva M.Kh., Mamarasulov Z.E. IMPORTANCE OF GASTRONOMIC TOURISM AND ITS FUTURE DEVELOPMENT IN UZBEKISTAN // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2019. № 20(64). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/64/143508 (дата обращения: 05.03.2025).


Gadoeva Muborakkhon Khayriddin

Student, Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service,

Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan

Mamarasulov Zokirjon Erkinovich

Assistant, Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service,

Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan



Гадоева Муборакхон Хайриддин кизи

студент, Самаркандский институт экономики и сервиса

Республика Узбекистан, г. Самарканд

Мамарасулов Зокиржон Эркинович

ассистент, Самаркандский институт экономики и сервиса

Республика Узбекистан, г. Самарканд


Abstract. This article highlights the importance of gastronomic tourism in our socio-economic life. The article is based on comparisons of foreign experiences in gastronomic tourism. The results of the research show the potential of gastronomic tourism in our country. Uzbekistan also has a favorable environment for the development of gastronomic tourism with a rich cultural heritage. Our national cuisine in our country cannot be found elsewhere. Among other things, gastronomic tourism is a priority. It has not only the nourishment but also the factors that reflect the national traditions. As for gastronomic opportunities, Uzbekistan is rich in diverse cultural and recreational resources.

Аннотация. Эта статья подчеркивает важность гастрономического туризма в нашей социально-экономической жизни. Статья основана на сопоставлении зарубежного опыта в гастрономическом туризме. Результаты исследования показывают потенциал гастрономического туризма в нашей стране. В Узбекистане также созданы благоприятные условия для развития гастрономического туризма с богатым культурным наследием. Наша национальная кухня в нашей стране не может быть найдена в другом месте. Среди прочего, гастрономический туризм является приоритетным. В нем есть не только питание, но и факторы, отражающие национальные традиции. Что касается гастрономических возможностей, Узбекистан богат разнообразными культурными и рекреационными ресурсами.


Keywords: tourism, gastronomic tourism, service, children, food, wine.

Ключевые слова: туризм, гастрономический туризм, сервис, дети, еда, вино.


Gastronomic tourism plays a major role in many countries and developed countries having sufficient income in this way. Of course, their dishes and drinks differ from each other with specific sides because of location, tradition or climate. As the most popular destination for gastronomic tourism, we can bring countries like France, Italy, and Spain. It can be learned from some of these statistics. Only one example is France, where we can learn about the importance of the wine industry in gastronomic tourism from 24 million foreign tourists a year [1]. In Spain, the revenues from its delicacies and drinks range from around € 44 billion [2]. 30 % of tourists visit Italy for the only gastronomic purpose [3]. As can be seen from this, gastronomic tourism in these countries is of great importance and attracts many tourists with their meals and drinks. While France is famous for its thousands of varieties of wine and cheese, Spain and Italy are attracting tourists with their past few thousand years of heritage.

Tourism - the basic foundation of social development is to satisfy the needs of people in their leisure time, and thus earn a high income. As the needs of people grow, the quality and variety of products will also increase. Through this, infrastructure and socio-economic development are formed in society [3]. As for tourism, it is also divided into several types. For example:

• ecotourism

• rural tourism

• sports tourism

• Visiting tourism

• City tourism

• Religious tourism

• gastronomic tourism and so on

Each type of tourism develops on the basis of the available opportunities in the region. Especially, gastronomic tourism will be improved based on the lifestyle and national values of the local population. In addition, our country can also be considered as a convenient tourist destination for gastronomic tourism with its unique national cuisine in every corner of the world. But we still do not have the full potential of our country. At the same time, most of the population does not have an idea of ​​the essence and importance of gastronomic tourism. If you look at countries such as France, Turkey, Japan, Italy, and China, most of the tourists come to these countries to eat their food. We also have to find ways to make our national cuisine more widely available, using the opportunities available to us.

 The word "gastronomy" comes from the Greek word "gazter" (stomach) and "nomos" (law). However, the meaning of this word is deeper than the dictionary [5].

The goal of the gastronomy is primarily to provide people with the highest quality nutrition services that do not adversely affect human health. The culture of the baking service has a non-hygienic effect on the environment and offers a pleasant feeling.

Although different terms such as "nutrition tourism", "gastronomic tourism", "gastro-tourism", "wine tourism", "food tourism" and "gourmet (a lot of people knowing about food and wine) tourism" are used in most gastronomic references, this term is known as "dependent on the taste of food and drink" for tourism descriptions. Gastronomic tourism depends on the peculiarity of the food, and it shows the local status of a particular region or state [9].

Gastronomic species play a key role in tourists' impressions of the region by introducing a particular region's food and culture and shows the characteristics of the region. Wine tourism has developed in countries such as France, Australia, JAR, Italy, USA, England and so on; Canadian beer tourism and pizza and pastry in Italy are popular. Also, Toscana, Italy, California, Napa, USA, Australia, Chile, and in France, Champagne valleys have been known as gastronomic tourism destinations for many years.

As an example of Turkey as one of the gastronomic tourism destinations, it is famous for its dishes such as kebabs and donut kebabs. Recent studies have shown that the taste and diversity of Turkish cuisines are a major factor in attracting foreign tourists. Turkey ranks fifth in the world in terms of foreign surnames. In addition, Turkey takes third place on organized tours and trips to get the taste of Turkish cuisine, and tourists who come to this point think Turkish cuisine is delicious, attractive, rich and delicious.

The special control is being taken to preserve the natural and gastronomic potential of the region. An example is the Baroque lambs in Portugal. These lambs have the same control that they cannot be fed with other regions food but only local. Because other organic matter and nutrients from other regions can also alter lamb's meat content. It is possible that the lambs will lose their taste and value later. To prevent this, it has also been set up to maintain the same product that has been formed over the years [9].

Additionally, gastronomic events, festivals, various courses, master classes, museums, and other things are important in preserving the gastronomic value of the area. Gastronomic tourism is developed with the systemic relationship of regions food, tourism, and culture with each other. Therefore, with this factor, gastronomies preserve historical and cultural treasures and leave them unchanged to the next generation. Many studies have been made in Uzbekistan in this regard. Particular attention is paid to gastronomic tourism in the field of service and education in the higher educational institutions of the country, as well as in food and service research institutes. But there are still many things to do.

Uzbekistan is a very convenient country for the development of gastronomic tourism. The existing opportunities and conditions are reflected in the country's cultural and historical heritage. As for the Samarkand region, here are some examples of national dishes. One of the important factors in the nutrition of our country is the delicious dishes such as Jizzakh Sousse, Navoi Fowl, Khorezm Egg Shells, and Karakalpak Dynasty. In addition, Oriental sweets also make a special impression on tourists. Kokand curry, hawthorn, baklava, chak-chak, folding, and dish are also one of the favorite sweets. Public festivals reveal the diversity of our national dishes. For example, Navruz: sumalak, ko’ksomsa, chuchvara and manty, which are made at our national holiday, are important not only for foreigners but also for the local population. Every year, the International Festival "Silk and Spices", which is celebrated in Bukhara, also carries out the leading tasks for attracting tourists and contributes to the development of gastronomic tourism.

In summary, the fact that our country is one of the leading countries in the tourism industry can be achieved through the development of all areas of tourism. Among other things, gastronomic tourism is a priority. It has not only the nourishment but also the factors that reflect the national traditions. As for gastronomic opportunities, Uzbekistan is rich in diverse cultural and recreational resources. Our national cuisine is full of flavors, tastes, and peculiarities. In our article, we can offer the following:

• Research on studying, curriculum and theoretical and practical projects on gastronomic tourism and its development tendencies in the country;

• Each research should be carried out nationally and internationally;

• Master-classes, seminars and conferences to devote gastronomical capacity of the regions to the tourists, as well as to increase the number of tourists by covering gastronomic tourism.



  1. “Visite French line”, [www.visitfrenchwine.com]
  2. “Gastronomic tourism in the world”, [www.statista.com]
  3. “Report on food tourism in Italy: gastronomy as key factor in the decision-making process, [https://igcat.org/report-food-tourism-italy-gastronomy-key-factor-decision-making-process/];
  4. PF-4861 "On Measures for Further Improvement of Tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan", Tashkent, 2016, source www.lex.uz.

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