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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 21(65)

Рубрика журнала: Физика

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Библиографическое описание:
Gaino V.M. SOME FACTS FROM THE MYSTERY OF BLACK HOLE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2019. № 21(65). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/65/143924 (дата обращения: 05.03.2025).


Gaino Valeriy Mikhailovich

Student 3 term Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies Institute Belgorod National Research University

Russia, Belgorod

Abstract. The topic of this scientific article is to consider the problem of studying Black holes. In scientific work, we consider little-known facts about the mysterious black holes.


Keywords: Black hole, space, time, planets, science, Universe.


The scientific substantiation of the theoretical research chosen by us - Black holes, in our opinion, is relevant for several reasons, for example, the lack of a sufficient amount of scientific research on this topic, the lack of direct evidence of the existence of Black holes in the Universe.

Interestingly, a black hole isn't truly a hole. It's quite the opposite. A black hole is a place in space containing an enormous amount of mass packed very tightly. And it can grow in mass. These objects are rich in mass and therefore in gravity and nothing can escape them, and even light. That makes them the most extreme objects in the Universe.

And they aren’t only massive, but also dense. Density is a measure which shows how tightly mass is packed in the space. Try to imagine a black hole in the size of New York City. Such hole could have as much mass and gravity as the Sun.

The majority of black holes are formed as the result of a giant star functioning. One star is at least 10 times more massive than the Sun, and runs out of fuel and collapses. The star shrinks and shrinks. Eventually, it forms a tiny dark point known as a stellar-mass black hole. This black hole, which is much smaller than the star that made it, has the same mass and gravity.

Some researchers believe that black holes will help us in creating new elements, because they break matter into subatomic particles. These particles are involved in the formation of stars, which in turn leads to the creation of elements heavier than helium, such as iron and carbon, necessary for the formation of solid planets and life. These elements are part of everything that has a mass, and therefore we are with you. [1]

The Milky Way contains at least 100 million black holes. Astronomers estimate that a new one forms every second. It’s important to mention that small-and medium-sized stars, one of which is the Sun, cannot form black holes. When they run out of fuel, they just become small planet-sized objects called white dwarfs. The temperature of a black hole with a mass of several solar masses will be only one ten-millionth degree above absolute zero. This is far below the relic of the universe that filled the universe. Therefore, Black holes emit less energy than they absorb. [2]

People worry if a Black Hole Could Destroy the Earth. Black holes do not move in space capturing stars, moons and planets. The Earth will not be captured by a black hole because no black hole is close enough to the solar system. Even if a black hole, of the same mass as the Sun is, will replace the Sun then it will not disappear in the black hole. The black hole would have the same gravity as the sun. The Earth and the other planet go round the black hole as they revolve round the sun. The sun will never become a black hole.

Being the star the Sun is not big enough to make a black hole. Stellar-mass black holes may be ordinary ones, but they are also considered shrimps. At the other edge of the spectrum there are giants called supermassive black holes, which may be in mass as a million or even a billion stars are. Stellar-mass black holes are the most powerful objects in the Universe. And due to theirgravity they hold the millions or billions stars forming a galaxy.

In fact, a supermassive black hole called Sagittarius A* which was discovered more than 40 years ago holds the galaxy. Nothing can escape a black hole — neither non-visible light, X-rays,infrared light, microwaves or any other form of radiation. So black holes are invisible. Astronomers have had to “observe” them by studying how they affect their surroundings. [3] For example, black holes often form powerful, bright jets of gas and radiation that are visible to telescopes. Physicists can use the size of that jet to estimate the size of the black hole responsible for the jet.

Jonelle Walsh – an astronomer at Texas University – among other astronomers continues to find and observe more black holes. Several years ago Walsh J. told that such observations can help untangle the complicated relationships of black holes and stars, galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Walsh J. believes that one day the research “will make people understand how everything [in the universe] works, forms and grows”.


Photo of a supermassive black hole in Messier 87 galaxy. Credit: Event Horizon Telescope


Event Horizon Telescope is a unified network of eight observatories around the world, whose radio telescopes are synchronized with ultra-precise atomic clocks. Despite the fact that they work as one huge telescope with a diameter of 10 thousand kilometers, such a system is still significantly inferior to an imaginary radio telescope with a plate of a similar size in terms of the amount of information received.

This limitation can be overcome a little because of the rotation of the Earth around its axis, so that you can collect some more radio waves. The main problem is that the final image will still be very noisy, but Kathy Bowman's algorithm allows you to remove noise and build an acceptable picture. The information obtained by radio telescopes can be interpreted in different ways, and thus a whole range of images can be generated.

The resulting image of a supermassive Black hole in the galaxy M87 corresponds to the predictions of Einstein's theory of relativity, which allows determining the mass and diameter of this exotic object. Its size exceeds the solar system and reaches 40 billion kilometers. In addition, it contains a mass of 6.5 billion suns. However, the most remarkable thing in the photograph, for the sake of which it was taken, is the dark circle in the center of the halo painted in conditional colors. This is the shadow of a black hole that corresponds to the horizon of events.

Unfortunately, Russia is not involved in the project, as the country does not have a millimeter-wave radio telescope that could be made part of the Event Horizon Telescope.

Summing up, it should be said that the concept of the nature of Black holes is

still only at the first step of its future development and probably black holes will have to play a prominent role. They are too far from the Earth therefore we cannot speak with a high accuracy of their properties and the effects they make. The theory of relativity allows predicting some properties of these amazing objects associated with space-time. We’ll learn in the future how true the predictions can be.



  1. Dolbin A. A., Tarasova A. A. Black holes // Young scientist. - 2017. - №2. - p. 16-18. - URL https://moluch.ru/archive/136/38043/ (appeal date: 05/27/2019).
  2. Hawking S. A brief history of time [Text] / S. Hawking. - M.: AST Publishing House, 2017. - p. 88-89.
  3. Frolov V., Novikov I. Black hole physics: basic concepts and new developments. Kluwer, 1998.-p. 47-48.
  4. Great Russian Encyclopedia – URL https://bigenc.ru/physics/text/4683379 (appeal date: 21.04.2019)

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