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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 29(73)

Рубрика журнала: Химия

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Библиографическое описание:
Муханбетова И.Р., Джурхабаев Р.Р., Минина Ю.Д. SULFUR: NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN CONSTRUCTION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2019. № 29(73). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/73/151947 (дата обращения: 10.03.2025).


Муханбетова Ильмира Руслановна

студент, кафедра химической технологии Астраханский государственный технический университет,

РФ, г. Астрахань

Джурхабаев Рамиль Рустемович

студент, кафедра химической технологии Астраханский государственный технический университет,

РФ, г. Астрахань

Минина Юлия Дмитриевна

студент, кафедра химической технологии Астраханский государственный технический университет,

РФ, г. Астрахань

Relevance: in this article we will consider the use of sulfur concrete in industrial and road construction, construction of hydraulic structures, in municipal services for recycling and disposal of waste gas processing and incineration plants.


Keywords: sulfur, present applications of sulfur, sulfur concrete, asphalt.


Sulfur concrete – a modern composite material, which is based on inert fillers and fillers, performing the functions of the structural frame, and astringent – modified technical sulfur. It is an innovative environmentally friendly material. It is characterized by high construction, technical and operational characteristics. The material involves "hot" technology: its production can be organized at existing asphalt plants. In this case, this typical seasonal production will be able to produce products all year round.

The main advantages of sulfur concrete over traditional concrete based on Portland cement are its high strength characteristics, high chemical resistance, water resistance, frost resistance, low water absorption, fast curing. At the same time, the strength set can be carried out at any ambient temperature, including in the cold. There is a possibility of its recycling.[1]

The main advantage of these concretes is the lack of water in the technological process of their production, which allows to work at low temperatures. This determines their main advantages, they are absolutely hydrophobic (unlike concrete on hydraulic binders) and absolutely do not absorb water. Therefore, they should be used primarily for buried foundations with a high level of groundwater, as well as to produce sewage and water wells and pipes, hatches of heating mains, containers for waste disposal (acids, salts of heavy metals)

Another area of application. Compositions on the basis of SPV which are used for "treatment" (sealing) of the destroyed joints, sites of concrete, reinforced concrete designs of hydraulic engineering constructions are developed. This composition has good adhesion to metal, concrete, wood, high chemical resistance and is neutral in relation to the repaired structures.

In addition, products made of sulfur concrete can be subjected to repeated processing by heating to 130-1500C and re-formation of structures, which eliminates the formation of waste and marriage. In General, the scope of use of sulfur concrete is quite wide — reinforced concrete piles, Foundation slabs and monolithic foundations, railway and tram sleepers, road and sidewalk slabs, curbs, road surfaces and industrial flooring in chemical and food industries.

Currently in Russia there are four preliminary standard for sulfur concrete and serverfilename.

As it turned out, sulfur is a very good material for encapsulation and neutralization of toxic and radioactive waste. This is another new application of sulfur.

Another promising area of use of sulfur for the Northern regions is foamed sulfur, which can be successfully used as insulating structural layers of pavement on permafrost soils. [2]

Conclusion: As a result of processing of oil, natural gas and non-ferrous metals, technical sulfur is obtained as a man-made waste. Sulfur compounds have one of the first places among pollutants due to their negative impact on the environment. Today, however, sulfur has found application that makes it possible not to pollute the environment and also to make a profit.


List of references:

  1. https://energy.s-kon.ru/sera-novue-tehnologii-v-stroitelstve/
  2. http://www.helpbeton.ru/serobeton-i-seroasfalt-unikalnye-texnologii-i-oborudovanie-dlya-ix-proizvodstva.html

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