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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 30(74)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

Секция: Маркетинг

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Библиографическое описание:
Nalivayko E.V. DIFFERENCES IN INTERNATIONAL STUDYING PROCESS AS PART AS ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME EXCHANGE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2019. № 30(74). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/74/152455 (дата обращения: 04.03.2025).


Nalivayko Ekaterina Valerievna

Master candidate, faculty of marketing and advertising Russian State University for the Humanities,

Russia, Moscow



Наливайко Екатерина Валерьевна

магистрант, кафедра маркетинга и рекламы Российского Государственного Гуманитарного Университета,

РФ, г. Москва



Over the period of the Erasmus project more than three millions of students traveled outside their country. These lots of evidence of participation in the program have become crucial moment for further life and career. So I have had a chance to participate in the Erasmus programme during one academic semester in Poland. It was interesting for me to study according the different educational system and to compare polish approach with studying process in Russia.

Characteristic of Opole University of Technology

Opole University of Technology (Polish name: Politechnika Opolska; sometimes called in English Technical University of Opole) is a university located in Opole, Poland.

Opole University of Technology (OUTech) is an internationally oriented leading high-tech university in Poland. They provide education mostly in the area of technical science but also in the fields of management, tourism, sport and physiotherapy.[1]

Characteristic of Erasmus+ programme

Erasmus programme (EuRopean Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) is a European Union (EU) student exchange program established in 1987. Erasmus+, or Erasmus Plus, is the new program combining all the EU's current schemes for education, training, youth and sport.[2]

Erasmus+ funds academic mobility and cooperation projects involve partners from "Programme Countries" and "Partner Countries" throughout the world. The 33 programme countries comprise the 28 EU Member States plus five other European countries. Erasmus+ supports activities that are closely matched with the EU's priorities for cooperation policy with partner countries and regions.[3]

The mobility is aimed at the comprehensive development of the personality of the students, their preparation for further existence in a multinational and multicultural environment. [4]

International Erasmus + programme in OUTech

OUTech develop educational and research partnerships with various partners from all over Europe, America (US, Brazil) and Asia (China, India and Malaysia). The beginning of each semester at Opole University of Technology also means the arrival of a new group of international students who will gain knowledge at the university in frame of the Erasmus+ programme. OUTech cooperate with about 100 European universities under the Erasmus programme and educate up to 400 international students per year. There are about 300 subjects in English, Polish, Russian, Germany language for students of Erasmus+ programme.

Distinctive features of the studying process

Possibility to choose a course - The program is not fixed, that is, each student chooses lectures according to his requirements. Students can independently select subjects that they are really interested in. Moreover students can choose any course from any field of study. In addition to basic scientific subjects, student can choose courses for developing his personal qualities, such as the art of creative thinking, oratory and leadership art.

In addition the program includes subjects aimed at introduction to European education system, its culture, economy, politics and environment at all.

Course preparation - Before studying, student can get acquainted with the course program, where you can find information about teacher, requirements for passing the course, the objectives of the course, the program of the course and the list of recommended materials to prepare  for the course.  It’s especially useful if student think that he don't have enough basic knowledge for starting this course.

Individual approach to students - Classes are usually held in small groups (4-6 students). Each student has his own curator; usually there are students volunteers from other faculties. They could be contacted for any student issues and support through the whole study process.

Focus on world issues - The program provides students with the range of skills needed to understand international problems in today’s complex global environment.  The well-established professors, specialists and senior lectures focus especially on the practical applicability and present real-world solutions to real-world situations.

More informal communication with teachers - Teachers participate in discussions and seminars in a more informal way. Students can just call the teacher by name. This contributes to more friendly and trusting relationship with teachers.

Digital communication - All information about faculties, lectures and seminars, teachers and much more is on the official page on the Internet.  Also most of the works and essays can be submitted by e-mail. This is encouraged because students can do something good for the environment and save paper.

Learning process for foreign students

The learning process has both similarities and differences with Russian system. The teacher gives the main theoretical base and literature at lectures, so the learning process is designed for independent work of students. It helps students discover their potential and choose the right career path. However, each teacher has hours of consultations when a student can come up with any academic issue.

The lecture takes place in a mixed format: the teacher can finish the lecture with a small test or discussion or modeling the situation to study the knowledge gained to bring about real solutions to real problems. Teacher requires an active engagement, and it allows students to apply all the core subject learning in real ways.

Students are encouraged to take the initiative, form groups in which they regularly discuss questions about new material or prepare presentations, or compare homework.

Also it must be said one more valuable thing that teachers respect the opinion of each student regardless the correctness, there is no one point of view, or limits in perception. Creativity and individuality are highly encouraged.

Teachers were interested in the developing student’s individual skills in practice and actively shared their methods and cases. Particular attention was paid to social and environmental problems in the world, and to a discussion of how we can change the world for the better in our profession.

Integration into student life

The University wants to help all the incoming students to integrate with the community. There are a lot of different events being organized all over the Campus and all over the town. For example, curators arranged for students days of international cuisine, traditional Christmas events, days of English evenings with games and films.

Assessment of knowledge and monitoring student performance

The assessment system in Polish universities consists of five-point: 1 and 2 - poor marks, and 5 - the highest mark. Unlike the Russian higher educational institutions, in Poland the "half" points are actively used: "4.5" is good with a plus, "3.5" is satisfactory with a plus.

Work on the seminars, the activity during the whole course, and presence in the classes – all these things affect student assessment. However, there is no strict attendance, in some cases the teacher can meet student halfway and offer to work seminars at consultation.

Examinations at university are mostly taken orally, in form of an individual project in Power Point with post discussion. 

Future opportunities for foreign students after passing the program

Participants of Erasmus student mobility increase professional adaptability and ability to find a job through more specific ideas about your own career and professional development. This experience increase self-assessment and assessment of personal professional data - Erasmus students see themselves in the future in higher positions.[5, c. 111]

There is interest in entrepreneurship and tent to do business, develop the ability to work independently or work in the international companies, engage interest in social activities, in politics and expand the range of personal cross-cultural contacts and language skills.[6, c. 413]

Problems of studying process for foreign students

There are also some problems with students encounter during the studying and after coming back to my home university.  In addition to the obvious advantages, the Erasmus student has a number of problems. First of all it must be mentioned the problem of misunderstanding. This may occur because of differences in culture, mentality. Secondly studying in foreign language can be not so easy first time. These problems need time to be solved. After a month of adaptation, it becomes easier to understand the accents of the language, intonation, habits and you learn new certain rules.

Unequal skills of students can also cause discomfort in learning process. Groups are usually mixed and include both bachelors and undergraduate students. Therefore, it turns out that some students have much more scientific knowledge and experience in discussions.

Also it is necessary to mention the difficulties that arise when students come back to home university and need translate grades and points from received university. If we talk about the problem in the Russian context, studying programs are often different and it is difficult to completely re-assign all courses. If the essence of the course is the same but program names may not be the same.


Foreign Students of Opole University of Technology study, discover, travel and have fun. They create and join student research clubs, participate in networking events international conferences and workshops. They are offered a great chance to flourish and take full advantage of the opportunity to learn the European way of education and cultures.

Obviously, participation in the Erasmus + programme is equally beneficial for everybody, because it involves a two-way exchange of educational programs, skills and knowledge, and also creates unique opportunities for intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding necessary for further cooperation. What is more this is a great chance not only to receive a unique learning experience in a European country, but also met beautiful people from all over the world, explore new ideas and expend outlook.



  1. Бука С. А., Баврина Л. М. Участие в программе Эразмус+ студентов-магистрантов: возможности, проблемы и прогностические параметры //Образовательные технологии и общество. – 2017. – Т. 20. – №. 3.
  2. Official website of Opole University of Technology URL:https://dwm.po.opole.pl/index.php/en/erasmus/incoming-students/study (date of the application: 28.03.19)
  3. International Exchange ERASMUS Student Network. Erasmus+ 1st Year Review, 2018. URL: https://esn.org/news/erasmusplusreview (date of the application: 28.03.19).
  4. Erasmus+ official website URL: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/ (date of the application: 28.03.19)
  5. Садецкая А.В. Программа «Эразмус Мундус» как инструмент развития // Балт. рег.. 2011. №3. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/programma-erazmus-mundus-kak-instrument-razvitiya (date of the application: 28.03.19).
  6. González C. R., Mesanza R. B., Mariel P. The determinants of international student mobility flows: an empirical study on the Erasmus programme //Higher Education. – 2011. – Т. 62. – №. 4. – С. 413-430

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