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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 3(89)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Yurgulevich Yu.N. ADAPTATION OF STUDENTS WITH LIMITED MOBILITY AT UNIVERSITY // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 3(89). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/89/167893 (дата обращения: 07.02.2025).


Yurgulevich Yuliya Niikolaevna

student, Belgorоd State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

Mоdern universitiesоf Russiа аrе graduаlly аddrеssing tо аdаptаtiоn оf studеnts with limitеd mоbility. Nеvеrthеlеss, thе prоcеss is quitе соmplicаtеd, bесausе thе disеasеs оf studеnts havе diffеrеnt nоsоlоgy. This dеtеrminеs thе nееds оf studеnts in crеating narrоwly spесifiс соnditiоns аtunivеrsitiеs.

Kеywоrds: students, sосiаl аdаptаtiоn, pеоple withlimited mоbility.

Studying in highеr еducаtiоnаl institutiоnsof Russiа is the сruciаl pаrt оf the sосial аdаptation of each disabled person to educational and working environment. Tо оbtаin а highеr prоfеssiоnаl eduсаtion fоr yоung disаblеd pеоplе nоwаdаys is the issuе оf сurrеnt соnсern. Thе Russiаn Fеdеrаtiоn legislation according to the international guidanсе dосuments in thе fiеld of highеr еduсatiоn prоvides thе principal of equal rights to obtain an education for people with disabilities as a basic. Thus, the right to obtain higher education for the young people of that category is regarded to be one of the key factorsfor their socialization, full participation in all aspects of society, effective self-fulfillment in different activities. Herewith, the access to the process of an education for disabled people is to be fully provided[1, 45].

Tоtal number of students with disabilities is being close to 3.72% of all students studying in Russian higher institutions. In the last decades, there is a positive tendency. It should be especially mentioned thatapproximately 17,000 students with disabilities were trained in universities in the academic year 2016\17 (according to Russian Research Center “Separate Opinion“ (“OsoboeMnenie“), https://legal-mos.ru). The social adaptation process of students with disabilities to architectural, educational and psychological factors of university requires some specific integrated approach. Narrowly defined, the model of the social adaptation process of the social work client group includes three parts: social adaptation to the university physical space (space component of adaptation); social adaptation to university educational process (professional educational components of adaptation); psychosocial adaptation to the course mates, teaching stuff (psychosocial component of adaptation)[2, 96].

It is important to create a barrier-free environment and to provide an increase of an accessibility of university buildings and facilities to the needs of the disabled students.

Many Russianuniversities have provided particular conditions forfree, unhindered and convenient mobility for students with disabilities.The large number of the buildings ensures an effective implementation of educational training programs for thementioned category of students and are provided with comfortable wheelchair ramps, elevators. They arealso equipped with sanitary and hygiene facilities for students with various medical nosologies. According tothe wishes of disabled students in wheelchairs, class schedules make it possible to minimize their physical movement and let them stay in the same building,in the same wing of the building, on the same floor while studying[4, 32].

Special-purpose program Accessible Environment is being implementedatBelgorod State National Research University. It includes an educational activity of disabled students and focuses on architectural accessibility. Many universities education buildings are equipped with specially designed ramps for students in wheelchair. There has been created the technical equipment certificateof overall university facilities accessibility and the services list provided therein.

There has been designed a dormitory with specially equipped section adapted for students with limited mobility. University has specialized projects being implemented for 358 adaptationto educational process, social sphere, sport and sociocultural environment, information space.

In summary, the following tendency can be observed: the majority of students with special health needs (if mental capacity retained) enters higher institution. Whereas, institutes and universities encourage the idea to educate students with disabilities. Some universities have created appropriate educational environment for such students (Moscow State University of Humanities and Economic, http://www.mggeu.ru). However, most of Russian universities does not take into consideration all needs of the students with special needs in mobility and audio or visual information.Social adaptation activities of this group at universities are often far from being integrated.The issue of social adaptation combined with health and physical dysfunctions influence student success of training and are of great importance for organizational, administrative and teaching stuff of university.



  1. Bayramov, V.D. Social Integration and Rehabilitation of Disabled People/ V.D. Bayramov. – Moscow: Econ-Inform, 2015. –p.128.
  2. Bessarabova,Yu.V. Motivation of Disabled Students/ Yu. V. Bessarabova. – Moscow: Econ-Inform, 2014. – No.3. – pp. 95-99.
  3. Dombrovskaya, A.Yu. Sociocultural Factors of Social Adaptation of Disabled People in Modern Russia / A.Yu. Dombrovskaya. –Orel: Publishing house Kartush, 2016. –p. 184.
  4. Kuznetsov, P.S. Adaptation as a Function of PersonalDevelopment / P.S. Kuznetsov. – Saratov: Saratov State University, 2015. – p.76.

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