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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 7(93)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Kukayeva Z., Tazhibayeva E. WAYS OF IMPROVING HIGH-SCHOOL STUDENTS’ LISTENING SKILLS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 7(93). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/93/171234 (дата обращения: 20.02.2025).


Kukayeva Zere

student, Department of foreign language, Karaganda state university,

Kazakhstan, Karaganda

Tazhibayeva Elmira

master of Education, Senior Lecturer, Karaganda state university,

Kazakhstan, Karaganda


This article is about different approaches to developing student’ listening skills. In the beginning authors provide definitions of the digital era and e-learning.  After examining the importance of ICT in language classrooms, there were given some practical ways to include modern technologies in a foreign language lesson. The authors identify which method would be mere useful for high school students.


Keywords: Methodology, pedagogy, English teaching, developing listening skill, English lessons, high-school students.


Now, we are living in a time when all social, economic and even political activities depend on information and communication technologies. And it is known as the digital age. In this digital age, the number of students who take online courses in every field including business, arts, engineering or education is growing gradually. Also, it is widely-known as eLearning, digital classrooms which are beginning more popular all around the world, and the students are eagerly filling up the seats. But what does it mean «digital learning»? In “Dictionary of methodological terms” (authors: E.G. Azimov, A.N. Shchukin) was said that digital learning is a system of technics and methods for collecting, accumulating, storing, searching, transmitting, processing information by using computers and computer communication lines. From other resources, we have found that digital learning is any type of learning that is done by technology or by instructional practices that make effective use of technology. It encompasses the application of a wide spectrum of practices including blended and virtual learning.

The practical use of ICT involves a new type of cognitive activity of the learner, the result of which is new knowledge acquisition, student cognitive development, the skills for gaining and searching necessary information and navigating in digital environment autonomously.

We have polled 80 high school students. The main aim was to inquire which of 4 basic language skills is the most difficult to comprehend? And what kind of methods can be done? The analysis has shown that little less than half of the high-school students have troubles in listening section (45%), rather than writing, reading or speaking.

Probably, the issue is that learners fail to understand content entirely. We have chosen some methods and techniques to analyze which one is the most exciting for learners. Just about half of respondents answered that they are really into watching movies in English with subtitles. While the quarter of students replied that having lessons with the native speaker would be a way to develop their listening skills. Furthermore, little more than a quarter (27.5%) think that watching films can be beneficial and at the same time entertaining.

Difficulties in the listening of high school students can be solved in different ways. And one of them is by including modern technologies in classrooms. In modern technologies make it available to display training materials on the monitor in the form of different games, sounds, images or videos. The main goals of using ICT in English classes are: to increase the motivation to learn the language; the development of speech competence; the ability to understand authentic foreign language texts, as well as the ability to transmit information in the statements; increase linguistic knowledge; expand knowledge about the sociocultural specifics of the country of the language being studied; develop readiness for independent study of the English language. Conducting a school lesson with the usage of modern technologies allows the teacher to make the lesson more fun and exciting, giving some of its functions to the computer.

First method is audiobooks. Audiobooks are very important for learning to listen. In the lessons, simplified fiction is most often used, divided by the degree of complexity from the elementary level to the professional one. Listening to audiobooks is fixed by writing various exercises aimed at understanding the information received.

The second method is watching educational films. It can give students a conception about everyday life, customs, laws and culture in the countries of the language being studied, which is important both for the overall development and for the motivation in speech activities. The huge advantage of the film is the objective possibility of emotional impact on students. Watching a movie in English contributes the formation of concentration and memory of students, the emergence of an atmosphere of group cognitive activity in the lesson. To learn the meaning and plot of the video, students need to make some efforts, which has a positive effect on memorization. With the help of various tasks, for correct completion by which students must learn the general meaning of the film, as well as be able to describe the characters and events, the teacher can control understanding of the content of the movie. When students complete assignments, they will use vocabulary from the soundtrack of the film.

The third method is singing songs such a warm-up activity or as a main part of the lessons. Songs are one type of listening activity that has broad potential. Music and songs are essential parts of learning a foreign language. Some of the significant characteristics of songs are that they are fun and can keep the students excited. However, the most important feature of songs is repetition. They contain not only language patterns, but also pronunciation and rhythm. Students learn new vocabulary and word phrases autonomously.

Last but not the least method is different apps with interesting online games. It is another way to turn any boring activity into an exciting one, which means that students would achieve the result faster. Computer games and apps that will be discussed below can  help students master the grammar of the English language, improve your vocabulary and learn how to use words in the right context. Studies show that the gaming element makes language learning more effective. That is why school teachers should increasingly try to include games in their lessons because children learn better when they have fun. Games are a great way to dive into the language with your head. The game sometimes requires more attention than printed reading or listening tasks. There are some games which teachers can try to play at their English lessons: Kahoot, Quizlet, MES English, FluentU, English grammar quiz, Fun English by studycat, Duolingo, Drops English.

We experienced these types of lessons with the usage of ICT. As a result, we noticed that game-playing lessons give the most effective impacts on students’ comprehension. Students were more active and in that way, they remember more information. It is a well-known fact that emotionally charged memories remember better than boring ones. It can be proved by their academic results, marks from the tests and encouragement to study more. After ICT included lesson, to be more precise Kahoot game, the teacher made a quiz on the last topic. In comparing with ordinary lessons’ results the level of class comprehension was considerably bigger.

In conclusion, technologies influenced considerably on all spheres of life and education is not an exception. Moreover, ICT becomes a major component of an education system. Following this, teachers can make their lessons more effective and interesting by including presentations, animated videos, pictures, online games and other modern technologies. This research showed that most students have problems in listening, the usage of film clips and media in teaching. By watching films with subtitles students would understand and it will help them to both relax and improve English vocabulary and grammar. If students don't understand what a word or expression means, the teacher should pause the movie and replay the part again in order to give students the opportunity to look the word or expression in a dictionary. Students can also make notes of the new vocabulary in vocabulary copybooks. After, the teacher should check or take a quiz according to new vocabulary. By this method students start to be more confident in conversations. Also, the range of students’ vocabulary becomes wider, it can be easily noticed by their exam scores. Learners’ speech starts to be more understandable and learners make fewer mistakes in pronunciation because they use word phrases and word collocations from the videos. There are still many problems which are not solved.



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