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Статья опубликована в рамках: CC Международной научно-практической конференции «Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 11 ноября 2024 г.)

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Библиографическое описание:
Zhankeldilyzy A., Zheniskhanova S. STUDY ON CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION: KAZAKH AND FOREIGN INTERACTIONS USING YOUTUBE CHANNEL // Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: сб. ст. по мат. CC междунар. студ. науч.-практ. конф. № 21(199). URL: https://sibac.info/archive/meghdis/21(199).pdf (дата обращения: 07.03.2025)
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Zhankeldilyzy Asylai

student, Department of Foreign Language and Translation, East Kazakhstan State University Named After Sarsen Amanzholov,

Republic of Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk

Zheniskhanova Saniya

student, Department of Foreign Language and Translation, East Kazakhstan State University Named After Sarsen Amanzholov,

Republic of Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk

Ryskhanova Zhansaya

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, Lecturer and Master of Science, Department of Foreign Language and Translation, East Kazakhstan University named after Sarsen Amanzholov,

Republic of Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk


This study explores the dynamics of cross-cultural communication between Kazakh individuals and people from foreign backgrounds, particularly focusing on interactions with Americans and Chinese nationals. Using insights from two video sources—“Heart of Sino-Kazakh Ties: Language, Music, and Education” and the “Kazakhstan American Corners” YouTube channel—the research examines how Kazakh communication styles, often indirect and formal, contrast with the more direct approaches common in Western and Eastern cultures. The experiment, conducted through interviews and casual conversations, investigates how Kazakhs adapt their communication strategies when engaging with foreigners. Key areas of focus include the use of formal and informal language, non-verbal communication, and cultural sensitivity. Results reveal that Kazakhs maintain respect and formality in most interactions but are flexible and adaptive when communicating with people from different cultural backgrounds.


Keywords: Cross-cultural communication, Kazakh communication style, American and Chinese interactions


Introduction. Effective communication is crucial in cross-cultural interactions. This study investigates how individuals from Kazakhstan interact with people from various cultural backgrounds, focusing specifically on encounters with foreigners such as Americans and Chinese nationals. The main goal is to explore how Kazakh communication styles—characterized by indirectness and formality—contrast with more direct approaches often seen in cultures like those of the United States and China. This analysis draws on insights from two significant video sources: the video “Heart of Sino-Kazakh Ties: Language, Music, and Education” and the “Kazakhstan American Corners” YouTube channel. The study will highlight cultural differences, particularly in verbal and non-verbal communication styles, and examine how Kazakhs navigate these differences in cross-cultural exchanges.

Video Insights and Background

1. Heart of Sino-Kazakh Ties: Language, Music, and Education

  • This video highlights interactions between Kazakh and Chinese individuals, showcasing the communication styles Kazakhs use with East Asian cultures. Respect, formality, and hospitality emerge as central themes.
  • Key Observations: Kazakh participants display indirect communication styles, with a strong emphasis on politeness and harmony. Non-verbal cues, such as respectful gestures, formal language, and the value placed on hospitality, are central to these interactions. Kazakh speakers use body language—subtle gestures, nods, and expressions—to convey respect without overt directness. This indirect approach contrasts with the more open and direct communication found in many Western cultures.

2. Kazakhstan American Corners

  • The Kazakhstan American Corners YouTube channel focuses on building connections between Kazakh individuals and Americans, showcasing various events and discussions that reveal differences in communication styles.
  • Key Observations: While Kazakhs tend to maintain respect and formality among themselves, their interactions with Americans in informal settings reveal a shift toward directness. Kazakhs still prioritize politeness, often framing requests and opinions in a way that fosters mutual respect. This style of phrasing supports collaborative and respectful exchanges, aligning with values in both Kazakh and American cultures.

Experiment Setup. The experiment was designed to examine the dynamics of communication between Kazakh individuals and foreigners, particularly Americans and Chinese nationals. The study focused on understanding how Kazakhs adjust their communication styles when interacting with people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Direct vs. Indirect Communication: How do Kazakhs modify their communication approach depending on the cultural background of their conversation partner?
  • Non-Verbal Communication: What role do gestures, posture, and facial expressions play in these interactions?
  • Cultural Sensitivity: How do Kazakhs maintain respect and formality when engaging with foreigners, especially when interacting with individuals from cultures that value directness or individualism?

Methodology. The experiment involved a mix of interviews, casual conversations, and observational analysis. Participants from both urban and rural areas of Kazakhstan engaged with Americans and Chinese nationals in structured settings. Interview questions aimed to explore how Kazakhs alter their communication style in cross-cultural contexts and what notable differences emerge.

Sample Questions:

  1. “How would you describe your communication style when speaking with people from different countries?”
  2. “In your opinion, how important is respect when communicating with foreigners?”
  3. “Do you adjust your communication when speaking with people from other cultures? How?”
  4. “Can you recall an example when you used non-verbal cues to show respect or understanding?”

Results and Observations

1. Indirect Communication

  • Kazakhs typically communicate in an indirect manner, especially in professional or formal contexts. This indirect style reflects cultural values that emphasize respect, formality, and maintaining harmony. In the “Heart of Sino-Kazakh Ties” video, Kazakh participants use formal titles and soft language, prioritizing dignity and avoiding confrontation. In contrast, Americans in the “Kazakhstan American Corners” videos often engage in more straightforward, casual conversation with less emphasis on formality.

2. Hospitality and Formality

  • Hospitality is highly valued in Kazakh culture, especially when hosting foreign guests. In both video examples, Kazakhs frequently offer food, drinks, and other gestures of welcome. These gestures of politeness, especially during initial interactions, help build rapport and show respect.

3. Non-Verbal Communication

  • Non-verbal cues are essential in Kazakh communication, especially for demonstrating respect. The videos show that Kazakhs often use restrained body language, such as limited hand gestures and avoiding prolonged eye contact, to prevent appearing confrontational. This contrasts with the more expressive and open body language commonly used by Americans.

4. Adaptability in Communication

  • Kazakhs exhibit a high level of adaptability in cross-cultural communication. In both videos, Kazakhs adjust their communication style based on their conversational partner. They tend to be more formal and reserved when speaking with fellow Kazakhs or Chinese nationals but show more openness and flexibility with Americans.


This study underscores how Kazakhs adapt their communication style to suit the cultural context of their conversation partner. While traditionally favoring a formal, indirect approach that prioritizes respect and harmony, Kazakhs demonstrate a readiness to adjust when interacting with people from cultures that are more direct, like the United States. This adaptability enhances communication, promoting mutual understanding and respect. Insights from the videos “Heart of Sino-Kazakh Ties” and “Kazakhstan American Corners” highlight the roles of hospitality, non-verbal communication, and respect in shaping interactions between Kazakhs and foreigners. This study illustrates the importance of cultural sensitivity and adaptability for successful cross-cultural communication.



  1. Ting-Toomey, S., & Chung, L. C. (2012). Understanding Intercultural Communication. Oxford University Press.
  2. Lewis, R. D. (2006). When Cultures Collide: Leading Across Cultures. Nicholas Brealey International.
  3. Samovar, L. A., Porter, R. E., & McDaniel, E. R. (2010). Communication Between Cultures. Cengage Learning.
  4. Kustubayeva, A., & Matveeva, O. (2018). “Nonverbal Communication in Kazakh Culture.” Central Asian Journal of Cultural Communication Studies, 3(1), 34-48.
  5. Kazakhstan American Corners YouTube Channel - YouTube.
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