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Статья опубликована в рамках: CLXIII Международной научно-практической конференции «Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 20 апреля 2023 г.)

Наука: Психология

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Библиографическое описание:
Shelina Yu., Doronina N. RELATIONSHIP OF SELF-ATTITUDE AND REFLECTION IN ADOLESCENTS // Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: сб. ст. по мат. CLXIII междунар. студ. науч.-практ. конф. № 8(162). URL: https://sibac.info/archive/meghdis/8(162).pdf (дата обращения: 18.02.2025)
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Shelina Yulia

Student, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod

Doronina Natalia

PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, associate professor of the department of age and social psychology, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod



Шелина Юлия Сергеевна,

студент, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет

РФ. г. Белгород

Доронина Наталья Николаевна,

канд. психол. наук, доц., доц. кафедры возрастной и социальной психологии, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет

РФ. г. Белгород



Статья посвящена анализу связи самоотношения и рефлексивности в подростковом возрасте. В статье приводится анализ и интерпретация результатов исследования связи самоотношения и рефлексивности у подростков. Рассматривается связь и различия в уровне самоотношения и рефлексивности у юношей и девушек.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the relationship between self-attitude and reflexivity in adolescence. The article provides an analysis and interpretation of the results of a study of the relationship between self-attitude and reflexivity in adolescents. The relationship and differences in the level of self-attitude and reflexivity in boys and girls are considered.


Ключевые слова: самоотношение, рефлексивность, подростковый возраст, самоотношение подростков.

Keywords: self-attitude, reflexivity, adolescence, self-attitude of adolescents.


Scientific and practical relevance of the problem of self-concept and reflexivity in adolescence is explained by the fact that exactly at this age the formation of personal self-consciousness takes place, which is accompanied by a number of psychosocial contradictions. On the one hand, the young person perceives himself/herself as an exceptional person, sets himself/herself higher than others, on the other hand, he/she doubts himself/herself, but makes efforts not to allow such thoughts and doubts in his/her own consciousness. Extensive psychological, pedagogical, and sociological research demonstrates that the specificity of the social situation of self-esteem development in the structure of adolescents' self-concept is characterized by a certain growth of self-concept, a desire for adulthood, and a change in the evaluative attitude toward others and the choice of a further life path. There is an intensive development of components of the structure of self-concept, openness, quick entrance into the proposed roles and especially strong sensitivity to the assessments and opinions of others.

Personality is a systemic entity that not only occupies a certain place in the system of social relations and relations to the social environment, but also relates to itself in a special way and is characterized by a special substructure of the «being-self» relation. It was believed that the personality is not a substantive being and that the way of its existence is determined by its involvement in social relations and by its ability to build relations with the outside world and with itself.

Personality, as it is understood in the Robinsonian concept, is alien and separate from society, and the relationship between them is purely mechanical, substantively determined either by the nature of the person or by the forces of society. In the first case, there is an implicit theory of emanation, in which the nature of the relationship with society «follows» from the inner nature of the individual. In the second case, there is an absolutist model according to which a person's nature is unilaterally determined by external social forces. This may be precisely a consequence of the above-mentioned assumption [7, p. 198].

The structure of self-perception can include self-esteem, empathy, self-acceptance, self-love, dispositional feelings, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-deprecation, self-hatred and self-discontent, and V.V. Stolin (1985) considered benevolence, respect and intimacy in terms of affective self-concept [6, p. 208]. Following this logic of reasoning, it is possible to conclude that the «I» exists insofar as it is. However, they seem to miss, or, more precisely, do not denote clearly, the essential substantial layers of the system of self-perception, for example, the attitude towards one's intellectual, emotional and changeable qualities [4, p. 94].

Self-perception systems are multifunctional. In addition, self-representation has the following functions:

1) The «mirror» function (representation of selfhood);

2) Functions of self-expression and self-actualization;

3) The function of maintaining internal stability and continuity of the self;

4) Function of self-regulation and self-control;

5) Functions of psychological defense;

6) Functions of intrapersonal communication [5, p. 315].

Reflexivity in social psychology takes the form of an active subject's (an individual or community's) awareness of how he or she is really perceived and evaluated by other individuals or communities. Reflexivity is not just the subject's knowledge and understanding of himself, but also the discovery of how others know and understand the «reflector», his personality traits, emotional reactions, and cognitive (cognition-related) perceptions. When the content of these representations becomes the object of joint activity, a special form of reflection emerges - the «subject-reflector» relation. In the complex process of reflection, at least six positions describe the mutual representation of the subject: the real subject, the subject as he sees himself, the subject as he is seen by other subjects, and the same three positions, but from the side of other subjects. Thus, reflection is a doubling or mirroring of each other's perspectives, the content of which is the reproduction of each other's characteristics. [1, с. 227]

Adolescents especially enjoy immersing themselves and exploring their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Everything that children of primary school age learn about themselves in the process of communication and interaction with different people is sometimes more or less mediated by reflection - an internal dialogue in which they consider, evaluate, accept and reject those or other values common to different groups, families, peers and significant others. [8, p. 17] It is a process of self-knowledge that is mediated by the process of self-knowledge. It allows teenagers to make the process of self-analysis more purposeful.

In discussing the interrelation between reflexion and development, it should be reiterated that the transition from one level of the system to another (higher) level of the system is important. If one traces the historical milestones in the development of reflexion research, one can notice that initially reflexion was understood simply as the turning of consciousness to itself, but S.L. Rubinstein already associated it with the transition to another level of the system. [2, p. 110] Today one can say that reflexion is both an exit from the system in question and the transition to a system of a higher level, an evidence of development.

Thus, there are many approaches to understanding reflexion, and different forms and levels of reflexion are distinguished. At the same time, there is no single approach to the study of reflexion and its components, since the economic, political, and spiritual spheres of life are changing significantly, and scientists use a variety of methods.

Adolescence is a period of rapid growth, development and restructuring of the child's body, accompanied by uneven physical development. Therefore, teenagers are embarrassed and try to hide their clumsiness and lack of coordination of movements, sometimes trying to divert attention from their appearance, taking unnatural poses, pretentiousness or deliberate rudeness. Even mild sarcasm or mockery of their appearance, posture or gait often cause a violent reaction, and adolescents fall into the thought that they are ridiculous and ridiculous in the eyes of others [3, p. 610].

In the process of self-determination, boys and girls strive to understand themselves and the world around them, looking for the meaning of their lives. This develops not only their own beliefs and attitudes, but also their worldview. During adolescence, the cognitive and personal attitudes of their worldview are formed to a large extent. The success of this process, therefore, depends on the extent to which the worldview reflects the objective world - true or false, religious or scientific, materialistic or idealistic, progressive or reactionary, optimistic or pessimistic - and the extent to which the individual can determine his or her social orientation.

Thus, adolescence, which is considered a key stage in the formation of personal self-awareness, involves a qualitative «reconstruction» or consolidation of previously formed supposed self-standards and emotional-value attitudes under the influence of complex situational and psychological factors. It can be concluded that adolescents have a heightened interest in their «self», and they are highly sensitive to others' assessments of their personality and can assert their need for autonomy and assertiveness among peers and adults.

There is an assumption that there is a psychological structure of self-esteem and reflexivity in adolescence, which has its own features that differ from each other: for young men it is more complexly organized, and for girls - more mobile. To confirm the assumption, we used the method of the test «Self-esteem» of L.D. Stolyarenko, suitable for studying the level and peculiarities of self-esteem in adolescents. In addition, Spearman rank correlation was used.

Considering and interpreting the results of the chosen method «Self-evaluation» of L.D. Stolyarenko, the following can be highlighted. The entire sample under study was divided into three groups: the first included examinees with high self-esteem (n=7), the second with an average level (n=8), and the third group included examinees with a low level of self-esteem (n=3).

According to the psychodiagnostic scale of L.D. Stolyarenko low level of self-esteem correspond to indicators 0-46, average level - 47-65 and high 66 and above. The average value of the level of self-esteem on the sample is 66.61, the minimum indicator is 26.00% and the maximum is 100%, the standard deviation is 5.934.

The highest value on the test was found in the test subject, who has one of the highest integral self-confidence among the indicators for the whole sample, namely 98%. «Expected attitude of others» exceeds the real attitude (72.33% and 51.33%), the value of the scale «Self-confidence» is one of the highest indicators, namely 92.33%, a low level of self-management, equal to 38, 33% and «Self-blame» is above average - 60.77%.

Among the subjects with low self-esteem only one of them showed a low index of self-concept (38.33%), the rest had a very high index of 88% and 90.67%. This indicates the relative independence of these components of self-consciousness.

There is also a subject with a positive integral self-concept, which is combined with a high level of self-blame (60.77%) and low self-esteem (26%).

The subject with a self-esteem score of 30% revealed a positive self-concept of 90.67%, which is combined with a low level of auto-sympathy (21.67%) and a high level of self-blame (60.77%).

Speaking of low scores on the Integral Self-Relationship scale and low self-esteem, there were also lower than average (28%) self-sympathy, above average self-blaming (43.33%), and very low scores on the Expected Attitude of Others scale (3.33%) and the Attitude of Others scale (7.33%).

The average score on the Integral Self-Relationship scale for the entire sample is 81.352%, the minimum value is 26.67%, and the maximum is 98.67 with a standard deviation of 5.0796.

The lowest score on the Integral Self Attitude scale was found in a subject with inadequately inflated self-esteem, extremely low scores on the Expected Attitude of Others scale (1.00%) and Attitude of Others scale (0.67%), and high scores on the Self Blaming scale (81.33%), and the lowest score in the sample on the Self Interest scale (3.00%).

We can also note that there is a psychological structure of self-esteem and reflexivity in adolescence, which has its own features that differ from each other: for young men it is more complexly organized, and for girls it is more mobile. Thus, we divided all students into two samples.

We used Spearman's rank correlation to conduct the study and assess the reliability of differences between samples with different levels of self-esteem.

Let's set a problem: there is a psychological structure of self-esteem and reflexivity in adolescence, which has its own features different from each other: in boys it is more complexly organized, and in girls it is more mobile. It is necessary to check whether the differences in the characteristics of the structure of self-esteem and reflexivity in young boys and girls are significant.

Let us form hypotheses:

: The psychological structure of self-concept and reflexivity in adolescence has features that differ from each other: in boys it is more complexly organized, and in girls it is more mobile.

: The psychological structure of self-esteem and reflexivity at adolescence does not differ for boys and girls

The calculation was done using the formula  , where  – is the sum of the squares of the rank differences, and n – is the number of paired observations.

According to the results of the calculation we got the following data: the rank correlation coefficient differs from zero (), which indicates the presence of differences between the variables of self-esteem and reflexivity in adolescence. Checking the significance of the correlation coefficient, we put forward two opposite hypotheses.

Considering the results of the conducted research and interpreting the results, we can say that since the calculated value of the rank correlation coefficient is less than the critical value (0,238<0,306), (the null hypothesis) of the presence of differences in the compared samples is accepted. On the basis of this we can conclude that the psychological structure of self-esteem and reflexivity in adolescence in boys and girls has features that differ from each other.

On the basis of the carried out research it is possible to draw a conclusion that the results received in the course of research have confirmed our hypothesis. Undoubtedly, the psychological structure of self-esteem and reflexivity in adolescence has features different from each other. They consist in the fact that for young men this structure is more rigid and complexly organized, while for girls it is the opposite - the structure is softer and more mobile.



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