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Статья опубликована в рамках: CXCV Международной научно-практической конференции «Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 26 августа 2024 г.)

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Библиографическое описание:
Vatutina O. CERAMIC VENEERS FOR TEETH // Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: сб. ст. по мат. CXCV междунар. студ. науч.-практ. конф. № 16(194). URL: https://sibac.info/archive/meghdis/16(194).pdf (дата обращения: 22.02.2025)
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Vatutina Olga

student, Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN),

Russia, Moscow

Emaimo Alice John

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, Assistant of the Department Of Foreign Languages, Medical Institute of Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN),

Russia, Moscow


Ceramic veneers are thin plates of ceramic created specifically for a specific person in a dental laboratory. Veneers are created taking into account all the anatomical features of the jaw. It is important to know that veneers are installed only on the vestibular surface of the teeth. Before installing veneers, it is necessary to cure all carious lesions of the teeth on which restorations are planned.


Keywords: veneers, smile, dentistry, beautiful smile.



The purpose of this article is to understand what ceramic veneers are, study the indications and contraindications, and find out all the advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the purpose of the article is to talk about the process of installing ceramic veneers on teeth, about the technical characteristics and aesthetic possibilities of this method of dental restoration of teeth in order to help readers make an informed decision about choosing this procedure to improve the appearance of their smile and the condition of their teeth.


The relevance of the article on ceramic veneers is due to the growing interest in cosmetic dentistry and the constant improvement of technology in this area. Veneers are an innovative smile enhancement solution that allows patients to achieve their desired aesthetic results with minimal intervention to the dental tissue. An article about veneers may be relevant to a wide audience, including people interested in cosmetic dentistry, dentists, medical students, and anyone who wants to stay up to date with current dental trends.


In recent years, porcelain veneers have become one of the most popular dental restoration methods, offering patients an effective and aesthetic solution to improve the appearance of their smile. Ceramic veneers are thin shells of high-quality ceramic that are securely bonded to the front surfaces of your teeth, providing the ideal shape, color and alignment of your smile. In this article, we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of ceramic veneers, the installation process, as well as the technical characteristics and aesthetic possibilities of this innovative method of dental treatment.


The process of installing veneers takes place in two stages: in the first stage, the color of the future structure is selected, and the hard tissues of the tooth, namely the enamel, are prepared by 0.5-0.7 cm on each side, then impressions of the prepared teeth are taken and temporary crowns are made. Permanent structures are manufactured within two to three weeks. During the second stage, temporary crowns are removed, permanent veneers are tried on and installed.

Indications for the installation of veneers:

  • Unsatisfactory enamel colour.
  • Chips and cracks on the tooth crown.
  • Improvement of the shape and size of the tooth.
  • A “gummy” smile,
  • Non-carious lesions affecting the aesthetics of the teeth,
  • Protrusion and retrusion to a mild extent.


  • Age under 18 years,
  • Significant resolution of the coronal part of the tooth,
  • Poor oral hygiene,
  • Bite pathology.

Advantages of Veneers:

  • Long service life (about 10-15 years),
  • Veneers are very durable, despite their small thickness (0.2-0.5cm)
  • Veneers are difficult to distinguish from real teeth,
  • Structures are made of biocompatible materials,
  • Resistant To plaque formation.

Disadvantages of veneers:

  • Many veneers react to coloring products, so you will have to adjust your food.
  • High price.
  • Possible increased sensitivity of the teeth, sines after removing part of the enamel, the pulp is protected by less tissue.


A survey about ceramic veneers in dentistry was conducted in April 2024 at RUDN University. 56 people took part in the survey. Among the study participants were both citizens of Russian Federation and citizens of foreign countries.


Figure 1. How often do you visit the dentist?


Dentists recommend conducting routine examinations 1-2 times a year. From this figure we see that most people follow this recommendation, but 21.4% do not visit the dentist at all, and 17.9% do it only when a tooth hurts.


Figure №2. Do you have any problems with the front group of teeth?


48.2% of respondents do not have problems with the anterior group of teeth, 32.1% have problems with the anterior group of teeth, and the remaining 19.6% are undecided. The graph shows that the majority of respondents do not experience problems with the anterior group of teeth, but a significant portion still have such problems. Thus, you should pay attention to the health of your front teeth and take the necessary preventive measures to prevent diseases.


Figure 3. Do you know what ceramic veneers are?


More than half of the respondents know what ceramic veneers are, but a significant portion find it difficult to answer. These statistics allow us to understand that we need to pay more attention to dental education of the population.


Figure 4. Would you like to have veneers?


The answers were divided almost 50 to 50, but the majority still want to see veneers on their teeth.


Figure 5. Do you know anyone who has veneers on their teeth?


64,3% interviewed people know anyone with ceramic veneers. This shows that veneers are a fairly popular method of dental restoration.


Figure 6. How much do you think a veneer should cost for one tooth?


The most popular answer (17.9%) was the price of 10,000rub, but the averages price starts from 25,000rubs in Moscow, the price depends on the region.


Figure 7. Do you think veneers are a useful invention?


Most respondents believe that ceramic veneers are a useful invention, but many think the opposite or are undecided on the answer. This makes it clear that veneers are still a controversial invention for consumers. Opinion about their usefulness varies, as it depends on individual preferences, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of veneers, which may be perceived differently by different people.

Overall Conclusion: Ceramic veneers are a popular service among respondents, who generally rate them as a useful and effective means of improving the appearance of teeth. It is important to pay attention to the need for proper care of veneers and the availability of qualified specialists for their installation.


In conclusion, ceramic veneers represent an advanced solution in the field of dentistry, providing high esthetics, durability and minimal interference with dental tissue. Their wide range of applications allows you to solve various problems with your smile and teeth, making the process of dental correction more comfortable and effective.

Thanks to the ongoing advancements in technology, ceramic veneers are becoming more affordable and more precise to manufacture, making them an attractive choice for both patients and dentists. Overall, ceramic veneers break new grounds in smile reconstruction and dental enhancement, providing excellent results and satisfaction for both professionals and patients.



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