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Статья опубликована в рамках: LXXXVIII Международной научно-практической конференции «Современная психология и педагогика: проблемы и решения» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 18 ноября 2024 г.)

Наука: Педагогика

Секция: Современные технологии в педагогической науке

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Библиографическое описание:
Otarbay F.Y., Sailaubek M.Zh., Sagadiyeva K. TEACHING ENGLISH AT SCHOOL THROUGH E-LEARNING AND VIDEO TUTORIALS FOR THE FORMATION OF INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE // Современная психология и педагогика: проблемы и решения: сб. ст. по матер. LXXXVIII междунар. науч.-практ. конф. № 11(85). – Новосибирск: СибАК, 2024. – С. 159-164.
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Otarbay Fatima Yrgyzbaykyzy

Student, Karaganda Buketov Research University,

Kazakhstan, Karaganda

Sailaubek Merei Zhambylkyzy

Student, Karaganda Buketov Research University,

Kazakhstan, Karaganda

Sagadiyeva Kymbat

Master of Pedagogic Senior teacher of Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Training Karaganda Buketov Research University

Karaganda, Kazakhstan



Фатима Отарбай

cтудент, Карагандинский научно-исследовательский университет имени Е.А. Букетова,

Казахстан, Караганда

Мерей Сайлаубек

cтудент, Карагандинский научно-исследовательский университет имени Е.А. Букетова,

Казахстан, Караганда

Кымбат Сагадиева

Магистр педагогики cтарший преподаватель кафедры теории и методики обучения иностранным языкам Карагандинский научно-исследовательский университет имени Е.А. Букетова

Караганда, Казахстан



The article examines the use of e-learning and video lessons to teach English in Kazakhstani schools to develop intercultural competence in students. The author analyzes existing research, emphasizing the importance of digital methods to expand students' linguistic and cultural horizons. The problems associated with uneven access to digital resources, especially in rural areas, are noted. The article suggests possible solutions, including the introduction of hybrid learning and improving digital infrastructure in remote regions.


В статье рассматривается использование электронного обучения и видеоуроков для преподавания английского языка в казахстанских школах с целью развития межкультурной компетенции учащихся. Автор анализирует существующие исследования, подчеркивая важность цифровых методов для расширения лингвистического и культурного кругозора учащихся. Отмечены проблемы, связанные с неравномерным доступом к цифровым ресурсам, особенно в сельской местности. В статье предлагаются возможные решения, в том числе внедрение гибридного обучения и совершенствование цифровой инфраструктуры в отдаленных регионах.


Ключевые слова: электронное обучение; видео уроки; преподавание английского языка; межкультурная компетенция; школьное образование; цифровые технологии; гибридное обучение.

Keywords: e-learning; video lessons; teaching English; intercultural competence; school education; digital technologies; hybrid learning.


Introduction. In the modern educational process, considerable attention is paid to the formation of intercultural competence, which becomes an important aspect of the personal and professional development of students. In the context of globalization, when interaction between cultures becomes an integral part of everyday life, knowledge of foreign languages ​​acquires special value. In particular, English, as an international language of communication, plays a key role in intercultural dialogue, as well as in the professional sphere. With the development of information technology and the introduction of e-learning and video lessons, new opportunities for developing intercultural competence are opening up.  In Kazakhstan, where a multicultural society is an integral part of the social structure, the use of modern technologies in teaching English is a promising direction. However, despite the progress in the educational sphere, there are certain problems associated with access to quality educational materials and methods, which actualizes the need to find effective solutions.

The purpose of this article is to explore the possibilities of using e-learning and video lessons in teaching English in a school context to develop intercultural competence.

Review of existing research

In recent years, Kazakhstan has seen a strong focus on the introduction of new technologies into the educational process, including in the field of teaching foreign languages. One of the most effective methods that has become widespread is the use of e-learning and video lessons. These methods provide students with the opportunity not only to master the language, but also to immerse themselves in the culture of countries where this language is the main one. The development of intercultural competence through such innovative teaching methods has become the focus of several Kazakhstani researchers in the period from 2019 to 2024. One of the first to actively explore the possibilities of using technology to teach foreign languages ​​in Kazakhstan is Doctor of Philology, Professor Nurtazina. In her work «Innovative educational technologies and the international language of the modern information space», she highlights the key benefits of e-learning, including the availability of materials, the ability to learn anytime and anywhere, and the effect that the use of multimedia technologies has on students' perception of cultural differences. Nurtazina argues that the use of such technologies contributes to the development of critical thinking and cultural tolerance [1, 152].

An important contribution to the development of the topic is the work of Zhumatayeva, who studies the use of video lessons to improve listening and speaking skills in English. In the article «The development of intercultural communicative literacy through films in language courses», the author emphasizes that video lessons allow students not only to improve their language skills, but also to develop their ability to understand and perceive various cultural contexts. Zhumatayeva focuses on the importance of contextual information that is presented through the video format, which helps students better perceive cultural features [2, 176-185].

Another significant researcher in this field is Tusupova, who in her article «Effective methods of learning foreign language through modern technology» analyzes the issues of introducing digital technologies into Kazakhstani schools. Tusupova considers the role of digital platforms and online courses in improving the quality of education, especially in remote areas of the country. She notes that despite the potential benefits, there are a number of challenges, such as limited access to high-speed internet and a lack of qualified personnel, which limit the full implementation of e-learning [3, 3-8].

An equally important contribution is the research of Sharipova, who in her work «Podcasts and video casts - methods in learning foreign languages» examines examples of the successful use of video courses and online platforms for teaching schoolchildren and students. Sharipova notes that the formation of intercultural competence through such technologies requires a special approach, which should include not only language exercises, but also tasks aimed at understanding cultural differences and similarities. She emphasizes the importance of developing critical thinking and the ability to perceive diversity in learning [4, 151-154].

In turn, Fatima Mamedova's work «Using of mobile technologies for the development of oral skills in teaching a foreign language summarizes many years of research and analyzes the current problems and prospects of digital learning». She notes that a significant role in the process of forming intercultural competence is given to the teacher, who must be ready to use innovative methods and approaches. Mamedova also highlights the problem of low motivation of some students, especially in rural areas, to learn through digital platforms [5, 9-16].

Historical context and development of terminology

The concept of "intercultural competence" emerged in the 1960s in the context of studying cultural differences and the need for effective communication between representatives of different cultures. Initially, the term was used in anthropology and sociology to describe the skills needed for intercultural interaction. Over time, the concept penetrated the field of education, where it acquired special significance for preparing students to interact in a multinational and globalized environment.

The first scholar to popularize the term "intercultural competence" in the educational field was the American sociologist Milton Bennett. In his model of intercultural competence development, Bennett identified the stages that a person goes through when mastering intercultural skills: from denial and avoidance of differences to adaptation and integration. His work has had a significant impact on pedagogical practice and the introduction of intercultural competence principles into educational programs around the world.

In Kazakhstan, the concept of intercultural competence began to be actively used in the late 1990s and early 2000s, when the country's educational system began to focus on international standards. The introduction of this terminology into the Kazakh educational program was due to the growing interest in international cooperation, as well as the need to prepare students for life and work in the context of globalization.

Currently, in Kazakhstani schools, intercultural competence is considered one of the key components in teaching foreign languages, especially English. It includes such aspects as knowledge of the cultural characteristics of other countries, respect for diversity and the ability to effectively communicate with representatives of different cultures. In the context of digitalization and technological development, the term "intercultural competence" is gradually expanding to include new teaching methods, such as e-learning and video lessons, which contribute to a deeper immersion of students in the language and cultural environment.

Current problem in Kazakhstan and proposed solution

One of the key challenges that schools in Kazakhstan face when implementing e-learning and video lessons for teaching English is uneven access to digital resources and high-speed Internet. This problem is especially acute in rural and remote areas of the country, where the technical infrastructure is often insufficient for the full use of modern educational technologies. The lack of reliable Internet limits students' opportunities to receive high-quality distance education, which creates a significant gap in the level of preparation of students from urban and rural schools. As a result, students from the regions find themselves in a less advantageous position compared to their peers from cities. To solve this problem, the author suggests implementing a hybrid learning system that combines both traditional and digital teaching methods. This approach will gradually integrate elements of e-learning and video lessons even in conditions of limited access to the Internet. In particular, schools can use pre-downloaded video lessons and educational materials on local servers that are accessible without an Internet connection. This will allow schoolchildren in rural areas to access modern educational materials and interactive resources without the need for a constant connection. In addition, the author sees a solution in the creation of state educational programs aimed at developing digital infrastructure in remote regions. State support in the form of funding and installation of high-speed Internet in schools will ensure equal access to educational opportunities for all students in Kazakhstan. It is also important to organize courses for teachers that will help them master digital tools and effective methods of using video lessons and online courses in the learning process [6, 17-22].

In conclusion, the use of e-learning and video lessons in teaching English is an effective way to develop intercultural competence among schoolchildren in Kazakhstan. These methods help to expand the linguistic and cultural horizons of students, making the educational process more interactive and accessible. However, limited access to digital resources in rural and remote areas remains a serious problem. This problem can be solved through the development of hybrid approaches to learning and the improvement of digital infrastructure in schools. By providing equal opportunities for all students, Kazakhstan will be able to achieve a higher level of quality education and prepare a new generation capable of interacting effectively in the global environment.



  1. Nurtazina M.B. Innovative educational technologies and the international language of the modern information space: A textbook for universities. – Astana-Wisconsin-Madison: KazServicePrint LTD LLP, 2019. – 152 p.
  2. Zhumatayeva Z., Dosanova A., Zhumatayeva S. The development of intercultural communicative literacy through films in language courses. Bulletin of the Treasury. The series is philological, №192, 2023, – 176-185 pp.
  3. Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abaya, series «Multilingual education and foreign Philology», №.2 (38), 2022, – 3-8 pp.
  4. Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abaya, series «Multilingual education and foreign Philology», №.2 (38), 2022, – 151-154 pp.
  5. Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abaya, series «Multilingual education and foreign Philology», №.2 (38), 2022, – 9-16 pp.
  6. Zheniskhankyzy A., Gersonskaya V. Studying the effectiveness of Youtube as a learning tool among high school students in Kazakhstan // Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science, №81. 2022. – 17-22 pp. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/studying-the-effectiveness-of-youtube-as-a-learning-tool-among-high-school-students-in-kazakhstan (date of application: 10.11.2024).
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