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Статья опубликована в рамках: XLI Международной научно-практической конференции «Современная психология и педагогика: проблемы и решения» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 14 декабря 2020 г.)

Наука: Педагогика

Секция: Информационные технологии в образовании

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Библиографическое описание:
Issabekova G., Shardarbekova E. METHODOLOGICAL FORMATION OF INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE OF SCHOOL STUDENTS THROUGH THE USE OF INTERNET RESOURCES IN ENGLISH LESSONS // Современная психология и педагогика: проблемы и решения: сб. ст. по матер. XLI междунар. науч.-практ. конф. № 12(39). – Новосибирск: СибАК, 2020. – С. 108-113.
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Issabekova Gulnur

PhD, of training foreign language  teachers department, Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulaty

Qazakhstan, Taraz city

Shardarbekova Elmira

2nd- year student of Master degree of training foreign language  teachers department, Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulaty,

Qazakhstan, Taraz city



Исабекова Гулнур Болатбековна

 доцент, факультета «Подготовка преподавателей иностранных языков», Таразский региональный Университета имени М.Х. Дулати,

Казахстан, г. Тараз

Шардарбекова Эльмира Досымхановна

магистрант 2 курса факультета «Подготовка преподавателей иностранных языков», Таразский региональный Университета имени М.Х. Дулати,

Казахстан, г. Тараз



This article describes the concept of "cross-cultural competence" in the article, exposed the ways of its formation at English lessons. It proves that the use of Internet resources is one of the most effective and efficient ways to introduce students to the culture of the country of the language which is being studied. Also it establishes that Internet resources are an irreplaceable, importantly, universal source of information what can be used by both teachers and students.


 В статье охарактеризовано понятие «межкультурная компетенция», раскрыты способы ее формирования на уроках английского языка. Обосновано, что использование интернет-ресурсов является одним из эффективных и действенных способов приобщения учащихся к культуре страны изучаемого языка. Установлено, что интернет-ресурсы являются незаменимым и, что немаловажно, универсальным источником информации, который может быть использован как учителем, так и учащимися.


Keywords: cross-cultural competence, Internet resources, foreign language, English lesson.

Ключевые слова: межкультурная компетенция, интернет-ресурсы, ино-странный язык, урок английского языка.


Modern society, which is at the information stage of its development is characterized by the intensity of interactions between different cultures, as well as the widespread use of computer technology and Internet resources. It connects with the growth of intercultural and interpersonal communication. Only in the last decade, "various devices (smartphones, laptops, tablets) have appeared and still continue to appear that allow people to communicate with each other despite their location in the different parts of the world. The widespread use of Wi-Fi zones and the advent of mobile Internet gave a freedom from the computers, and using various applications and programs as (ZOOM, Skype, TEAMS, etc.) allow to communication through the voice and video calls" [1, p. 165].

Information and communication technologies are being actively implemented in all spheres of human life, which could not but affect the education system and lead to a number of innovations that have affected, among other things, the teaching of foreign languages. Educational Internet resources, training computer programs, and testing programs have become actively used in the educational process. According to M.P. Alekseev the systematic and purposeful use of Internet technologies, in particular the method of telecommunication projects provides the most effective foreign language communication at the intercultural level within the school curriculum [2, p. 50].

There are different interpretations of the concept of "intercultural competence". As V. P. Furmanov underlined it as a set of background knowledge and the ability to apply it adequately in a certain context when comparing two or more cultures. The researcher connects cross-cultural competence with the psychology of a native speaker and culture and holds the opinion that ‘’the study of traditions, customs and lifestyle of native speakers is important in establishing mutual understanding between peoples and strengthening universal values’’ [3, p.45].

In the works of Russian scientists as N. D. Galskova and N. I. Gez an intercultural competence is considered as an ability that allows an individual to realize himself within the framework of a dialogue of cultures, i.e. in the context of intercultural communication. Its formation occurs in the relationship between the development of a foreign code and the development of cultural experience of a person. [4, с. 72–73].

In the modern world English is a language of international communication. As we use an educational Internet resources in English lessons and it is one of the most effective and efficient ways to develop students ' intercultural competence. As noted by P. V. Sysoyev, M. N. and. Evstigneev, with the correct organization of the educational process, besides cross-cultural competence in all the variety of its components, students acquire information competence, which includes mastering new information technologies, understanding the specifics of their application, as well as a critical attitude to the distributed information. [5, p.8].

Internet resources are an irreplaceable and importantly, universal source of information that can be used by both teachers and students. Access to the Internet gives the teachers the opportunity to use a huge number of additional materials and resources that allow them to supplement and diversify the lessons with interesting and unusual facts about a foreign culture, authentic audio and video materials, interesting photos or illustrations, which helps to increase students ' interest in the culture of the country of the language being studied, forming their intercultural competence. Owing to the Internet resources the teacher can organize independent work of students (for example, creating blogs where you can set a topic for discussion and attract real native speakers of a foreign language and culture). The formation of cross-cultural competence of students contributes to the assimilation of background knowledge about the culture of communication, rules of etiquette, national-specific features of behavior and thinking of native speakers of foreign languages, about the components of culture (traditions, customs, rituals).

The Internet provides a wide range of virtual educational resources and services that meet the needs of students according to their level of language training and area of interest. There is no limit place and time of receiving educational services when we use the Internet.

Internet resources are interactive, and they include feedback, which is very important in the formation of cross-cultural competence. Another advantage is the availability of free Internet resources of high quality, which one can use without any financial costs. They are: email, searching systems as: (Google, Yahoo, Yandex, etc.), Internet chats, video conferences, cross-cultural forums, webinars, educational information resources(British Council, BBC learning English, Buzzle), etc. The students who are interested in learning English and getting to know the country's culture can successfully use Internet resources in their own way. We can use Internet to find a huge amount of information about the features of the culture of the country of the language being studied, enrich our vocabulary, to study grammar and lexical or phonetic topics. The expansion of economic, political and socio-cultural relations between countries has led to the fact that in modern society a person can’t do without contacts with representatives of different countries and cultures. Therefore, it is important to be able to maintain communication, be tolerant of representatives of other countries and show respect for their cultural values and traditions. The use of Internet resources in English lessons is an effective means of developing cross-cultural competence. Modern society makes great demands on the education and general development of students, the effectiveness of learning the program.

It is necessary to train each student to receive and evaluate a large amount of information in a short period of time. The importance is the learning process, as all students should be able to work actively with a big interest during the lesson. They may see their own achievements and have the opportunity to independently access them. A combination of classical methods of studying and modern information technologies, including computer technologies with the introduction of Internet resources, can help the teacher with a teaching process. The introduction of a PC in the classroom makes the learning process mobile, strictly differentiated, personal and interactive. A modern computer includes the functions of a TV, video recorder, book, calculator, telephone and it is considered a universal device that can simulate all kinds of language situations, it has the ability to quickly and effectively respond to the impact and requirements of the student. This method of teaching also facilitates the tasks of conducting lessons for teachers: it can help them evaluate the capabilities and knowledge of the student, inspires them to find modern, non-traditional forms and ways of learning, and provides a space for pedagogical creativity. At the same time, the computer does not replace the teacher. Nonetheless, it helps with teaching resources and significantly increases the effectiveness of the pedagogical process. Educational institutions have an opportunity to receive necessary information through the networks from any part of the world. We know that instant access to massive information resources is possible through the global telecommunications network.


Список литературы:

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