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Статья опубликована в рамках: LV Международной научно-практической конференции «Культурология, филология, искусствоведение: актуальные проблемы современной науки» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 07 февраля 2022 г.)

Наука: Филология

Секция: Языки народов зарубежных стран Европы, Азии, Африки, аборигенов Америки и Австралии

Скачать книгу(-и): Сборник статей конференции

Библиографическое описание:
Tukhtabayeva U. THE MAIN CAUSES OF STEREOTYPES // Культурология, филология, искусствоведение: актуальные проблемы современной науки: сб. ст. по матер. LV междунар. науч.-практ. конф. № 2(47). – Новосибирск: СибАК, 2022. – С. 74-79.
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Tukhtabayeva Urazgul

2nd -year-master’s degree student of Foreign philology at KazUIRWL named after Ablai khan,

Kazakhstan, Almaty


Тухтабаева Уразгул Тахировна



Тухтабаева Уразгул Тахировна



The article discusses the features of stereotypes. The main reasons for the appearance of stereotypes are noted. The article also talks about the negatives and minuses of stereotypes. This article also gives 4 signs of stereotypes according to expert Walter Lipman. In the article, you can notice the types of stereotypes and whether we should be afraid or worried about them. The main idea of this article is that the causes of stereotypes.


В статье рассматриваются особенности стереотипов. Отмечаются основные причины появления стереотипов. Также в статье говорится о негативах м минусах стереотипов. В данной статье также дано 4 признака стереотипов по мнению эксперта Уолтера Липмана. В статье можно заметить виды стереотипов и стоит ли нам боятся или беспокоится о них. Основная идея данной статьи заключается в том, что причины стереотипов.


Мақалада стереотиптердің ерекшеліктері қарастырылады. Стереотиптердің пайда болуының негізгі себептері бар. Сондай-ақ, мақалада стереотиптердің негативтері мен кемшіліктері туралы айтылады. Бұл мақалада сарапшы Уолтер Липманның пікірі бойынша стереотиптердің 4 белгісі берілген. Бұл мақалада тағы айта кететін жайт бізге осы стереотиптардан қорқып, уайымдау қажет пе деген үлкен сұрақ. Мақаланың бастапқы мәселесі стереотиптердің пайда болуының негізгі себептерінде.


Keywords: stereotypes, culture, real, untrue, autostereotype.


In the modern world, a large number of standards have been formed, which prevent people from existing and breathing an absolute breast. What is the standard like? The origin of this phrase goes back to the typographic process. Directly in this way, the specialized templates that were used in the printed machines were named. Today, of course, everyone, without exception, understands this term according to another, most similar field of people - according to psychology. In connection with the academic secondary educational institutions, innovative standards have every chance to be interpreted according to everyone. But their common concept is similar – this is a well-established judgment about people, nationalities, actions or operations. The original researcher who applied the term "stereotype" according to the relationship to mental action was correspondent Walter Lipman. Its activities existed spelled out in the Twenties of the last century, because of this period, the methods of scoring standards have changed.

What shapes the standards of humans? Where are they accepted from? Of course, the individual applies a personal skill, generalizes it, transforms it into a standard. I am afraid to make a mistake once again, for this reason, we can, for example, not get a deval with peoples of a different nationality after a negative communication skill with one of them. But there is also the most extensive representation of public standards. They are also formed in the skill base, only this skill continues for a number of centuries. The skill itself is also considered to be the main keys to the appearance of standards. The social standard is not formed in any way because of a single period, but it is also unrealistic to destroy it because of a single period. In this case, a long period is necessary.

Features of stereotypes

According to a study by Walter Lippman, all stereotypes have four characteristics:

- they are sketchy, do not reflect reality in full;

- they are false, do not give a real idea of a person or object;

- they are tenacious, it takes time to break the stereotype;

- they are rarely recreated by one person, it is usually the fruit of the work of society as a whole.

Types of stereotypes:

- autostereotypes also heterostereotypes

Autostereotype – a given understanding of a person about the most-most for himself, but heterostereotype-a judgment about a huge team of people, about nationality or race. Heterostereotypes have every chance to change in different social groups. Certain people have every chance to consider excessive savings prudent or prudent, but for the purpose of others, this will be a manifestation of greed.

- personal as well as public

Personal standards belong only to 1 person. They have every chance to be earned because of a negative or positive skill. Social standards – this is a fairly broad group, the family also includes socio-political, also popular, also sexual standards, which accompany the society in its entirety.

Of course, the fact that the gratuitous fear of the peoples of a different race, the unfounded desire to look like the starry sky of the podiums-this diverse manifestation that can frighten us. A negative meaning was recorded near the phrase. But the standard is a method to systematize today's society. Society is addicted to distinguishing between its own and outsiders, these groups do not function only to the detriment. I strive to summarize our society, in order not to spend any intellectual resources for the purpose of continuous evaluation. For this reason, the standards of action are very significant. At the same time, I can see whether an individual belongs to a group of his own or outsiders, we mean that we need to wait for him. This saving, on the one hand, has a positive effect in our person, I devote a period to something else in this case. However, it also directly affects the negative impact of standards on self-development.

But it is not only a negative approach to action or a public team that can be characterized by a minus of standards. Positive biases lead to excessive credulity, to miscalculations, and to the destruction of the course of interpretation. An elderly individual is able to be the most gifted at work, but often in an interview he is rejected, given an advantage to a young professional. There is a judgment that social standards are a given long-standing manifestation, dragged through the origin. Partially given in this way, however, the whole information about their individual draws from society, learning, narratives, and the relationship of the father with the mother. Often, the standard is able to be imposed by the environment. The individual is able not to feel any fear or antipathy to a particular group of people or actions, but takes over the vigilance of c-for fear of making an error. Despite that, society is predisposed to change its own approach to standards. Certain actions have every chance to change significantly due to the year and century.[3]

One with explicit research methods of personal standards, based in lithophanic associations, is considered to be the Harvard Institute website. The research is divided into groups – people, skin tone, and nation. Elementary tasks allow you to discover your preferences. Perhaps, in this case, someone will be surprised by the acquired information, but who exactly-in this case, on the contrary, is waiting for such a result. It is necessary to try, perhaps, research will be able to open the view in the field of the subject.

Are German people punctual? Do they like beer? Are Americans rude? Nowadays, there are a lot of this kind of questions. According to these questions or facts, there is a huge question. What are the causes of stereotypes exactly then?

The fact that people use stereotypes in their lives is not surprising or incorrect. In this process people naturally prefer the data that matches their internal logic, confirms established opinions and reflects their values and priorities by getting the necessary information about and refactoring it through the perception mechanism.

The stereotype comes from the past-individual and group-life experience and depends on the past perception. A direct interaction between different mental elements takes place between pictures, opinions, intonations, semantic conditions, repeated evaluations, emotions, etc.[2]

The stereotyping process is based on the action of the second signal system and covers three phases. The initial stages of the stereotype formation include the effects, in order to develop a holistic representation of the mind, of individual verbal or visual stimuli on the sensory organ of the second signals system, as well as the combination of complex stimuli from words and images in higher sections of the brain. Then comes the phase of the reaction to the search, when the hearable or the visible is recognized and the desired, given. At the same time, details enrich the general schematic representation and become concrete. Recognition is the final step in the entire process. The initial stereotype information is stored in the brain as associations. The functional elements of memory and perception that have various specializations are here stimulated and evoke different sensations, symbols and images, together forming the corresponding stereotype.

There are many different reasons for the development of stereotypes. But probably the most important thing is to protect the consciousness against an ever-increasing amount of information overload in the brain. Incoming information stereotyping acts as a natural form of protection of the brain against overload, in order to preserve the entire organism's integrity and health. Without this protection, the human mind would be confused simply through constant evaluation of value. Stereotypes simplify this process greatly and weaken it.

The stereotypes are assimilated by a person in different ways. In the process of socialisation and inculturation, they are assimilated first. Since the stereotyping is part of culture, we "suck with mother's milk" because we "cost" to think of other groups in some way. Many stereotypes are transmitted and developed to the images of our parents in our minds. Between 12th and 30th years of life, they take their final form and are constantly fixed and changing with great difficulty. And this applies not just to what the other groups look like in our eyes, but also to our views of our own group.

Second, stereotypes are developed to communicate with people you have to deal with most of them: your parents, friends, colleagues, teachers and so on. If children, for example, hear their parents saying "Russians are too simple-stuffy" or "you can't look like gypsies, they're mistaken"

Third, limited personal contacts can give rise to stereotypes. So, if the trader of Azerbaijan has deceived you on the market, all Azerbaijani people can conclude that you are lying. The stereotype is obtained in this case based on limited data.

Fourthly, the mass media occupies a special place in stereotyping formation. There is no limited scope or strength to the possibilities of stereotyping by mass media. Most people are highly authoritative in media, radio and television. The view of the mass media is the view of people, shifting the attitude of their own people from thinking. [5]

We will explain the mechanisms by which the mass media forms stereotypes and the reasons for their influence on society:

The media is for many a powerful and not critically exaggerated source of opinion. This happens when the person does not have enough knowledge to form his own opinion or his own attitude.

The information source status is very important. The result that a well-known politician or public figure influences people is quite clear. The more powerful the information source is, the greater the public's confidence in it. Even if some people perceive information from such a source critically, it will still be fixed.

Mass media are capable of "removing responsibility" for the decisions taken. Whenever a person is reluctant to take a decision, one of the options to make the decision will be approved by the authority. At the same time, because of the consequences of his decision, the person does not have an internal conflict and takes away any responsibility for his adoption. As a result of a decision, a person loses every critical assessment of his or her behavior and concern for the outcome of his or her conduct. It all seems right and fair, as he acts with the authority's punishment, in his opinion. The impact of mass communication in this case.

In conclusion, it takes quite a long time to break down the stereotypes. It is likely that you may be wary of your colleague of another nationality. But for the full development of the individual, you do not need to give stereotypes power over common sense. Perhaps this colleague is able to work well with you in a team, once you open up to him. And you can break the stereotypes, get rid of unmotivated negative attitudes.



  1. Grushevitskaya T. G., Popkov V. D., Sadokhin A. P. Fundamentals of intercultural communication. Moscow: UNITY-DANA, 2002. 352 p.
  2. Krasnykh V. V. Ethnopsycholinguistics and linguoculturology: A course of lectures. Moscow: ITDGC "Gnosis", 2002. 284 p.
  3. Brief political dictionary. M., Politizdat, 1987. 509 p.
  4. Leontovich O. A. Russians and Americans: paradoxes of intercultural communication: Monograph. Moscow: Gnosis, 2005. 352 p.
  5. Pavlovskaya A.V. Russia and America. Problems of communication of cultures. M., 1998. p. 17.
  6. Prokhorov Yu. E. National socio-cultural stereotypes of speech communication and their role in teaching the Russian language foreigners. M., 1996. p. 21.
  7. Rogov E. I. General psychology. A course of lectures. Rostov: Publishing house"Vlados-Press", 2006. p. 193.
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