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Статья опубликована в рамках: LXIX Международной научно-практической конференции «Культурология, филология, искусствоведение: актуальные проблемы современной науки» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 10 апреля 2023 г.)

Наука: Филология

Секция: Языки народов зарубежных стран Европы, Азии, Африки, аборигенов Америки и Австралии

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Библиографическое описание:
Balsariyeva K., Torekhanova S., Tazhenova A.S. THE DISSEMINATION OF THE SPIRITUAL VALUES OF KAZAKHSTAN IN THE COUNTRIES OF THE EAST // Культурология, филология, искусствоведение: актуальные проблемы современной науки: сб. ст. по матер. LXIX междунар. науч.-практ. конф. № 4(58). – Новосибирск: СибАК, 2023. – С. 65-71.
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Balsariyeva Kundyz

Master of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer Eurasian Law Academy named after D. A. Kunaev,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Torekhanova Sabina

Master of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer Eurasian Law Academy named after D. A. Kunaev,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Tazhenova Ainagul Saynovna

Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Abay University,

Kazakhstan, Almaty



Балсариева Кундыз Темирхановна

магистр педагогических наук, ст. преподаватель, Евразийская юридическая академия имени Д. А. Кунаева,

Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы

Туреханова Сабина Балпеисовна

магистр филологических наук, ст. преподаватель Евразийская юридическая академия имени Д. А. Кунаева,

Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы

Таженова Айнагуль Саиновна

магистр педагогических наук, ст. преподаватель, Университет Абая,

Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы



In the article communication of Kazakhstan with the countries of East that has deep historical roots, composed traditions and different tendencies in earlier ancient times is studied carefully. In the condition of globalization inter-correlation and inter-influence of the World cultures and literature are preserved. The present fact drugs up to deeper research of the subject-matter for revealing its peculiarities. The research comprehends the wide spectrum of problems connected with spreading of ecclesiastical values of Kazakhstan in the countries of East, where all modernization processes that influence all spheres of vital functions are demonstrated. In the article the importance of transition of Kazakh alphabet to Latin script is also considered.


В статье тщательно изучается связь Казахстана со странами Востока имеющие глубокие исторические корни, сложившиеся традиции и разнообразные тенденции в более древние времена. В условиях глобализации сохраняется взаимосвязь и взаимовлияние мировых культур и литератур. Данный факт подталкивает к более глубокому изучению тематики, для раскрытия ее особенностей. Исследование охватывает широкий спектр вопросов, связанных с распространением духовных ценностей Казахстана в странах Востока, где показаны все, оказывающие влияние на все сферы жизнедеятельности. В статье также рассматривается важность перехода казахского алфавита на латинскую графику.


Keywords: spiritual values, world cultures, modernization processes.

Ключевые слова: духовные ценности, мировые культуры, модернизационные процессы.


Introduction. The development and rapprochement of Kazakhstan with the countries of the East are based on deep historical roots, established traditions and diverse trends in the modern era. In the context of globalization, the interconnection and mutual influence of world cultures and literatures remains. Kazakhstan today is a large country that has a common historical heritage with many peoples in linguistic, cultural traditions and a significant contribution to the global cultural heritage.

In fact, by these words we mean a clear task for the future. After all, a special kind of dissemination of spiritual values is the purpose of assimilation and attracting even more people to this culture and life. A special role here belongs to the institutions of science, culture, language, education and upbringing systems.

Modern Kazakhstan is moving along the path of prosperity and progress, having created a unique model of national unity. One of the main consolidating factors of its development is the formation of state identity, the most important component of which is the strengthening of the position of the state language, the expansion of its social and communicative functions. The priorities of the new language policy – an integral and organic part of the national policy – are consonant with the imperatives of the state ethno politics of Kazakhstan and objectively reflect the features of modern language processes.

Methodology. The state language as the main focus of both the implemented language policy and ethno politics receives different interpretations in modern political discourse, which require timely systematization and clarification.

One of the points that was voiced in his article "Looking into the Future: Modernization of public consciousness" by former head of State N.A.Nazarbayev was just dedicated to the transition to the Latin alphabet. In this case, it can be described as a dictate of time. In turn, the transition to the Latin alphabet is timely, since the state must build its own priorities in the state language policy.

  • The Latin alphabet of the Kazakh language will be the integrating and main communication "pass" in the modern "electronic" world.
  • The state educational policy is based on the triad of the language: Kazakh, Russian and English. And the transition to the Latin alphabet will make it easy to learn English and many European languages.
  • Versatility and accessibility of Latin graphics. Ease of perception by young people and children. Learning the Kazakh language in Latin will be easier than in Cyrillic, since there are more letters in the Kazakh alphabet in Cyrillic than in a similar one in Latin.
  • Kazakh literature is in the most prestigious ranks along with other literatures of the world. Outstanding Kazakh writers and poets like Abai, M.Auezov, Shakarim, Zhansugurov, Seifullin wrote their masterpieces, including in Latin. Today, a wide audience of readers use the Latin alphabet, in the future, the works written in Latin will allow the world to get acquainted even closer with the Kazakh culture.

By switching to the Latin script, our country will only strengthen its independence in the field of education. The transition to the Latin alphabet will also contribute to the international integration of Kazakhstan. The world will have the opportunity to get to know Kazakhstan and the Kazakh language better, the way will open for foreigners to learn the Kazakh language. The number of people who know the Kazakh language will grow, works of Kazakh literature will be published in Latin, it will be easier for people all over the world to read significant works of classics of Kazakh literature.

In turn, spiritual values form the foundation of culture. The existence of cultural values characterizes precisely the human way of being and the level of human isolation from nature. Value can be defined as the social significance of ideas and their conditionality by human needs and interests. For a mature person, values function as life goals and motives for her activities. By implementing them, a person makes his contribution to the universal culture.

The most important function of spiritual production is spiritual activity, which is aimed at improving all other spheres of society (economic, political, social). The process of spiritual production will be completed when its product reaches the consumer. Such a function of spiritual production as the formation of public opinion is of great importance.

Values as part of the worldview are conditioned by the existence of social requirements. Thanks to these requirements, a person could be guided in his life by the image of the proper, necessary correlation of things. Thanks to this, values formed a special world of spiritual existence, which lifted a person above reality.

Value is a social phenomenon, therefore, the criterion of truth or falsity cannot be unambiguously applied to it. Value systems are formed and changed in the course of the development of the history of human society. Therefore, the criteria of value choice are always relative, they are conditioned by the current moment, historical circumstances, they translate the problems of truth into the moral plane.

Values have many classifications. According to the traditionally established ideas about the spheres of public life, values are divided into “material and spiritual values, production and consumer (utilitarian) values, socio-political, cognitive, moral, aesthetic, religious".

Results. The concept of spirituality is undoubtedly necessary to define utilitarian pragmatic values that motivate human behavior and inner life. However, it is even more important when identifying those values on the basis of which life-meaning problems are solved, which are usually expressed for each person in the system of "eternal questions" of his being. The difficulty of solving them is that, although they have a universal basis, every time in a specific historical time and space, each person discovers and solves them anew for himself and at the same time in his own way. On this path, the spiritual ascent of the individual, the acquisition of spiritual culture and maturity is carried out.

Forms of social consciousness are ways of self—awareness of society and spiritual and practical development of the surrounding world. They can also be defined as socially necessary ways of constructing objective thought forms, developed during the diverse activities of people to transform and change the world. They are historical in their content, just as the social ties and relations that generate them are historical.

Spiritual values from the point of view of philosophy include wisdom, concepts of true life, understanding of the goals of society, understanding of happiness, mercy, tolerance, self-awareness. At the present stage of development of Buddhist philosophy, its schools place new accents in the concepts of spiritual values. The most important spiritual values are mutual understanding between nations, willingness to compromise in order to achieve universal goals, that is, the main spiritual value is love in the broadest sense of the word, love for the whole world, for all mankind without dividing it into nations and nationalities. These values are organically derived from the basic values of Buddhist philosophy. Spiritual values motivate people's behavior and ensure a stable relationship between people in society. Therefore, when we talk about spiritual values, we cannot avoid the question of the social nature of values. In Buddhism, spiritual values directly control the whole life of a person, subjugate all his activities. Spiritual values in the philosophy of Buddhism are conditionally divided into two groups: values related to the outside world and values related to the inner world. The values of the outside world are closely related to social consciousness, the concepts of ethics, morality, creativity, art, with an understanding of the goals of the development of science and technology. The values of the inner world include the development of self-awareness, personal improvement, spiritual education, etc.

History, including the domestic one, testifies that where the state is destroyed or weakens, a person becomes defenseless before the uncontrolled forces of evil. The rule of law, the court, and governance become powerless. Individuals begin to seek protection from non-state entities and the powerful, whose nature and actions are purely criminal in nature. This is how personal dependence is established with all the signs of slavery. And this was foreseen by Hegel, who noticed that people must find themselves in a defenseless position in order to feel the need for a reliable statehood.

The Republic of Kazakhstan has demonstrated to the whole world that the country can successfully build state-confessional relations, maintain and develop interethnic harmony and simultaneously solve the problems of state-building, and all this in the context of deepening globalization processes and increasing general instability in the world, the manifestation of old and the emergence of new challenges and threats. Of course, there are other positive examples of solving these problems in the world, but, bearing in mind the multi-ethnic and multi-confessional composition of the population of Kazakhstan, the Eurasian geographical and geopolitical situation, the state in which the country is under the strongest pressure of the conflicting and even opposing national interests of a number of world and regional powers, the global economic crisis that shook the foundations of the global financial system Of course, the Republic of Kazakhstan demonstrates the endurance, strength and wisdom of both the people and the leadership.

This fact attracted the entire world community, especially the countries of the foreign East and prompted the study of the spiritual values of Kazakhstan, today not only our culture is widely used, but also our experience in the field of certain political features of our system is being adopted.

This kind of interest is primarily associated with the flourishing of national spiritual values due to the richness and intensity of international ties that create their unique appearance on the basis of common typological features. As you know, spiritual values set the task of studying the internal laws of the interrelationships of cultures and society. In the current state of spiritual values, serious attention is paid to the scientific understanding of the interactions of new facts, which are most intensively manifested and require more detailed study.

The most important features of the latest literature and artistic culture of Kazakhstan are its oriental character, diversity and richness of forms, individuality of style, the flourishing of certain types and genres of literature and art. In recent decades, the need of the peoples of the East to appeal to the treasures of the cultures of neighboring countries has sharply increased, the need to improve old and create new forms of cultural ties. Each national culture of the peoples of the East, interacting with others, perceiving and transforming their experience by comparing it with its own traditions, acquires new achievements for moving forward.

Deep understanding of the Kazakh national historical literary and artistic experience in close connection with the historical experience from the artistic theory and practice of the literature of the peoples of the East is one of the most important conditions for the successful development of many social sciences and humanities of global spiritual values.

The spiritual values of Kazakhstan in the countries of Central Asia and the Middle East, in particular with the Turkic-speaking states, have begun to penetrate quite noticeably at the present stage, which have manifested themselves in various forms and conditions, while such forms as influence, translation, borrowing, imitation, etc. should be especially noted. Separate works of poets and writers of Kazakhstan have become the property of readers of many countries of the Foreign East.

Further development of creative and scientific contacts between researchers of Kazakhstan and the countries of the foreign East led to the creation of scientific works of a new generation.

Conclusion. Consideration of scientific facts and materials indicates that the historical and cultural interrelationships and spiritual values of Kazakhstan with the Foreign East, with the Turkic, as well as the Persian-speaking world have deep and comprehensive roots. Spiritual values in general have peculiar features of development and typological features, almost all of these ties unite ancient and real strong ties, they are also a deep foundation for further strengthening of the spiritual values of our peoples, which require careful study.



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