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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 24(110)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

Секция: Лингвистика

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Библиографическое описание:
Koblanova G.B., Koblanova J.K. ECONOMIC TERMS AND PECULARITIES OF THEIR TRANSLATION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 24(110). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/110/184992 (дата обращения: 12.02.2025).


Koblanova Gulbanu Bakbergenovna

student of Karakalpak State University

Uzbekistan, Nukus

Koblanova Jibek Kayratovna

student of Karakalpak State University

Uzbekistan, Nukus


The article deals with economic terms in English. In addition, this article explains with examples the translation of economic terms from English into Karakalpak. Important factors for the translator in translating economic texts are analyzed.


Keywords: economic term, Terminosystem, informativeness, literary lexicons, lexical units, abbreviations, comparative linguistics.


A term (derived from the Latin "terminus" - border) is a word or phrase that describes a concept related to a specific area of ​​knowledge or activity. Terms pass into a general concept through a specific terminological system, and therefore the term and common words are complementary lexical units.

A term is an emotionally-neutral word (phrase) that refers to a specific field of science and technology and is used by experts in that field, expressing the specificity of an object or concept. Terminological lexicon helps to define the content of the subject in a more understandable, clear, comprehensive way. In specialized literature, terms are semantically distinct from other literary lexicons [1,77]

The object of regulation of terminology is terminology. In it, all terms are divided into areas according to the meaning of the concept they represent. The results of terminology form the Terminosystem (system of terms).

Economic terminology has its own characteristics. Sometimes the terms have many meanings. In addition to special vocabulary and terms, economic texts also contain general vocabulary. But the following should be taken into account. Some of the general vocabulary is not difficult to translate, including terms such as global, fund, and business, which are equally understandable in English and Karakalpak. Such common words facilitate the translation process.

Peculiarities of translation of economic terms:

- informativeness of the text and richness of content of terms;

- the statement is not always standard;

- widespread use of metaphors;

- widespread use of phraseological compounds [2, 122]

Another feature of the economic text is the presence of shortened form of words and abbreviations. Most of them are found only in economic texts and documents. For example:

In Karakalpak: QQS – qosilg`an qun salig`i;

In English: VAT - value-added tax.

Economic texts are mainly used to convey cognitive information. The purpose of the translation of economic texts is to adequately describe the specific realias of the countries, to be able to explain them to the person requiring the translation. These can only be expressed in their equivalent terms.

Economic translation is the translation of a text of an economic nature. Such texts include accounting, auditing, marketing, work reports, bank reports, business plans, and more. Economic translation is important when entering into economic relations with foreign partners. Therefore, skillful economic translation is an important integral part of the successful implementation of international economic relations [3, 490].

The qualifications of both parties and the reliability of the cooperation are determined by the quality of the translation. Economic translation requires advanced knowledge and care from the translator. The error of every little detail in it can cause big problems. The translator is first and foremost required to have a thorough knowledge of economic terms. The translator of the economic text must be aware of the economic system in other countries as well as the theory of economics.

The following are important features for a translator when translating economic texts:

1) is an economic and financial source, rich in specific economic lexical units, consisting of terms;

2) names of enterprises, organizations, associations, institutions and an abundance of numbers, formulas, tables;

3) statements of passive attitude towards the official owner;

4) richness of complex words and phrases, phraseology;

5) possession of various terminological abbreviations [4, 57].

To sum up, translations from English into Karakalpak or from Karakalpak into English have their own characteristics. The study of the peculiarities of the translation of such economic terms is important in the development of translation studies and comparative linguistics.



  1. Даниленко В.П. О терминологическом словообразовании// Вопросы языкознания, 1972, No 4. С. 76 -85
  2. А.М.Ерогова. Теория и практика перевода экономических текстов с английского языка на русский. -М.: Просвещение, 1986.
  3. В.Н.Комиссаров, Я.И.Рецкер, В.И.Тарков. Пособие по переводу с английского языка на русский –М.: Сов. писатель, 1975
  4. А.С. Каплина, Межкультурные особенности экономического текста и трудности его перевода. МИУ, 1993

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