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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 22(150)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Badalova Sh.Q. SPECIFIC FEATURES OF CONTENT-BASED LEARNING AND TEACHING OF LINGUISTIC COMPETENCE AT ACADEMIC LYCEUMS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 22(150). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/150/218766 (дата обращения: 20.03.2025).


Badalova Shohsanam Qahramon qizi

1st year master’s student, Department of English philology Namangan State University,

Uzbekistan, Namangan


In this article it is spoken about specific features of content-based learning and teaching of linguistic competence at academic lyceums.


Keywords: requirements, communicative method, problem, foreign, task-based.


Nowadays a foreign language has become a universally recognized means of cross-cultural communication, an effective lever for the development of the educational and cultural potential, intellectual and personal abilities of the modern student.  The tasks that we set ourselves 3 years ago changed the requirements for the level of foreign language proficiency and defined new approaches to the selection of content, to the methodological organization of the material, to the principles of teaching in general. New generation standards are one of the most important educational topics today. According to requirements of the State educational standards, the main goal of teaching a foreign language is to form communicative competence of learners at all levels with the aim of enabling them to express their ideas in daily work, including scientific and professional activities.  On the basis of the communicative method, the following methods have already been developed and implemented in teaching practice: the Passov communicative method, the Shatilov communicative-cognitive method, and the Task-based learning method, which has a different interpretation among domestic specialists in the methodology of teaching English. At the present stage, the problem of studying the ability to master a foreign language is of particular relevance. At the moment, numerous international contacts are being established in all spheres of modern life: in the economy, politics, education, science, and culture. Now many people get the opportunity to work on the Internet, travel abroad; a large number of scientific and artistic foreign-language literature. All this has led to an unprecedented increase in interest in a foreign language, and now many Uzbek citizens have a desire or even a need to master foreign language speech and language skills and abilities. Therefore, there is a need for qualified specialists who speak one or more languages at a high level. There is no doubt that for a quick and successful mastery of foreign language speech activity, a certain level of linguistic abilities is required, since they are factors that facilitate the assimilation of the language, contributing to the rapid mastery of it. Learning should be satisfying. It can be associated with a feeling of achievement, with the praise of leadership, or simply with entertainment. There are various ways to achieve satisfaction with educational content: To show students that the skill is useful, and to give them the opportunity to apply new knowledge in real conditions; To provide students with feedback and support — when they evaluate the result, their motivation to study will grow; To provide rewards for students, while not overdoing it and not rewarding them for simple actions. The task of the teacher is to: create conditions for each student to master the language in practice; to activate the cognitive activity of the student in the process of learning foreign languages; choose such teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity, their creativity.

However, of the available works on the problems of linguistic abilities, only a few are devoted to the justification of the means of their formation and development. In these studies, the main attention is paid to the psychological and methodological principles of the organization of activities for the study of foreign languages, aimed at stimulating the development of all components of linguistic abilities and, as a result, increasing the productivity of students ' learning activities. So, M. G. Kasparova in her work gives some recommendations for the development of students with high and low levels of linguistic abilities, namely: for more capable students - maximum freedom in learning behavior, tasks that are more complex in form and depth of material processing; with a reduced ability to learn languages-organization of training in rational methods of linguistic analysis and memorization of material, generalization of linguistic patterns.

The main methodological and psychological conditions for the formation of linguistic abilities, namely:

a) presentation of the material to the trainees in the form of a generalized model of its essential features and relations that contribute to the formation of linguistic concepts;

b) training in the independent compilation of algorithms that allow the formation of generalized methods of action with linguistic material;

c) high mental activity of the trainees in the process of completing tasks, which contributes to the mastery of linguistic actions. It should be noted that the completeness of the manifestation of mental activity in educational activities depends on many factors, among which an important role is played by the general features and attitudes of the individual, the level of claims, as well as the system of motives available to the individual. Linguistic abilities are closely related to the mental abilities of an individual. The peculiarities of the process of forming linguistic abilities in lyceum school students are determined by the level of development of the main cognitive mental processes, which we consider as structural components of linguistic abilities.

Goals of teaching English are determined by the requirements of lyceum syllabus to achieve the final level of knowledge, sub-skills and skills by students as a result of learning the English language. Goals of the English language teaching are determined by the tasks of all-round development of an individual and up-bringing of students as well as by requirements of the syllabus of a certain type of an educational stage. There are four goals of the English language teaching: - Practical - Cultural - Educational - Developmental. The students mastering FL as means of communication should be able to use the language in the oral and written forms of speech. The requirements for practical mastery in language subskills (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar) and skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) are represented in the curriculum and syllabus for every stage. The State educational standard stresses that the learners should have a communicative competence which presupposes an adequate proficiency in a FL as a means of communication, instruction and independent learning. Content components are connected with the goal of ELT. The goal determines the content because the content is acquired during the lessons and the result of each lesson depends on the predefined goal. The practical goal of teaching English clarifies how to use particular language materials in communication, i.e. within which borders and in what capacity. Linguistic competence refers to the mastery of knowledge of the language code itself. It involves controlling the format organization of the language for producing or recognizing «correct» sentences and organizing them to form texts.    It has strong connections to project work, task-based learning and a holistic approach to language instruction and has become particularly popular within the state lyceum education sector. There are many ways to approach creating a CBI lesson. This is one possible way.

Preparation: Choose a subject of interest to students.

Find three or four suitable sources that deal with different aspects of the subject. These could be websites, reference books, audio or video of lectures or even real people.

During the lesson:

Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a small research task and a source of information to use to help them fulfil the task.

Then once they have done their research they form new groups with students that used other information sources and share and compare their information.

There should then be some product as the end result of this sharing of information which could take the form of a group report or presentation of some kind.

Content-Based Instruction is an approach in which the teaching is organized around the content. Likewise, the principles of Content-Based Instruction are heavily rooted on the principles of communicative language teaching since they involve an active participation of students in the exchange of content. This article reflects upon Content-Based Instruction as a relevant language teaching approach, its background, the definition of the concept, and its principles. Moreover, the article reports on Content-Based Instruction’s distinctive characteristics and its main models. Additionally, a Content-Based Instruction lesson plan with its materials is provided. Finally, a set of conclusions and implications is also discussed.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that performing tasks attract the attention and interest of students to learn a foreign language. To increase motivation to learn a foreign language, teachers use a variety of methods and forms of conducting classes. At the present stage of the development of education, the relevance of the use of the case method in learning a foreign language is the most effective, since it allows you to plunge into the living conditions, and students will be able to get out of this situation by applying not only all their knowledge, but also a creative approach.



  1. Brinton, D. (2003). Content-Based Instruction. In Nunan, D. (Ed.), Practical English Language Teaching. McGraw-Hill Contemporary.
  2. Larsen-Freeman, D. (2000). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Second Edition. NY: Oxford University Press.
  3. Richards, J. & Renandya, W. (2002). Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice. NY: Cambridge University Press.
  4. Tomlinson, B. (Ed.) (1998). Materials Development in Language Teaching. N.Y.: Cambridge UniversityPress.

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