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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 3(173)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Makhkamboeva O. CRITICAL THINKING IN EFL TEACHING // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 3(173). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/173/240270 (дата обращения: 27.02.2025).


Makhkamboeva Okila

master degree, Teacher Training Facility, Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Decisive speculation alludes to the people's capacity to think and settle on right choices autonomously. These days improving decisive thinking in students is viewed as one of the unknown dialect educators' errands because of its elevated place in unknown dialect homerooms. There are different elements influencing language students' decisive reasoning abilities. Among these variables is the appraisal strategies utilized. In this way, through dealing with the approaches to evaluating language students' capacity, language educators can assist them with creating decisive reasoning abilities. In this show, a few ideas for language educators to settle on sound decision of appraisal techniques and exercises will be introduced.


Decisive speculation alludes to the people's capacity to think and settle on right choices freely. These days improving decisive thinking in students is viewed as one of the unknown dialect educators' assignments because of its elevated place in unknown dialect homerooms. There are different variables influencing language students' decisive reasoning abilities. Among these elements is the appraisal strategies utilized. In this way, through dealing with the approaches to evaluating language students' capacity, language educators can assist them with creating decisive reasoning abilities. In this show, a few ideas for language instructors to settle on sound decision of evaluation strategies and exercises will be introduced.

Catchphrases: decisive reasoning, unknown dialect, showing unknown dialect, learning unknown dialect

1. Presentation Decisive reasoning has been as of late presented and acquired an elevated place in unknown dialect educating (FLT) settings so that these days improving decisive thinking in students is viewed as one of the unknown dialect instructors' assignments. A wide range of variables can influence students' decisive reasoning abilities. The kinds of evaluation utilized in the study hall just as toward the finish of the course are among these elements. This paper contends that through overseeing methods of evaluation, language instructors can assist students with creating decisive reasoning abilities.

2. Decisive reasoning A wide range of definitions have been proposed for decisive thinking by different teachers like Lipman (1991); Norris and Ennis (1989); and Siegel (1988). In any case, there isn't a lot of contrast among these definitions. As Senior and Paul (1994) state, decisive speculation alludes to the capacity of people to assume responsibility for their own reasoning and foster suitable models and norms for examining their own reasoning. In addition, as Maiorana (1992) keeps up with, decisive speculation targets accomplishing understanding, and assessing alternate points of view, and tackling issues.

3. Decisive thinking in language instructing

The advancement of decisive thinking into the FLT study halls is of high importance for quite some time. First and foremost, in the event that language students can assume responsibility for their own reasoning, they can screen and assess their own particular manners of learning all the more effectively. Second, decisive reasoning grows the growth opportunity of the students and makes the language more significant for them. Thirdly, decisive reasoning has a serious level of relationship with the students' accomplishments .Instructors have stressed the significance of creating higher-request thinking abilities in unknown dialect homerooms (Chamot, 1995; Tarvin and Al-Arishi, 1991) and exact proof backings the adequacy of showing decisive thinking abilities alongside the unknown dialect (Chapple and Curtis, 2000; Davidson, 1994, 1995).

4. Upgrading decisive thoroughly considering appraisal

There is no question that the method of appraisal in unknown dialect homerooms exceptionally impacts what and how the students learn. This impact of testing on instructing and learning is alluded to as washback impact. Alderson and Divider (1993, p. 115) express that "tests are held to be strong determiners of what occurs in the homeroom." In his three sided arrangement of discharge model, Hughes' (1993) portrays test impacts as far as "members" like educators, understudies, managers, materials essayists, and distributers, "process" alluding to those activities taken by members to finish instructing and learning errands and "item" alluding to learning results and the nature of learning. Hughes' model suggests that the nature of a test decides to a serious level the level and measure of washback (Pan,2009).Assessment rehearses basically impact learning through influencing the goals the students set for themselves in learning the unknown dialect. Truth be told, as a rule the method of evaluation is determinant of the goals of the language learning program. 1. Utilize progressing evaluation rather than a single shot tests toward the finish of the semester. While a single shot tests require the test taker to have a restricted measure of information, for the most part etymological, continuous evaluation did during the course offers the instructor the chance to test a bigger scope of information and abilities, including decisive reasoning abilities.

2. Use standard referred to (CR) testing rather than standard referred to (NR) testing. NR testing urges students to endeavor to be preferable over others without pondering what they realize and how they use it. Also, CR testing invites the distinctions among students and thus, contrasts among students lead to students' gaining from one another in a well disposed non-serious air. While the students become a larger number of cooperatives than contenders, they become more worried about comprehension than with results. As such the assistance each other in creating decisive reasoning abilities.

3. Remember exercises for your appraisal which urge the student to ponder the significant destinations of the course, including creating decisive reasoning abilities. The kind of exercises utilized in surveying language students decides the objectives of learning. Those exercises which can be helped out through more straightforward cycles, for example, remembering, subbing, and so forth are not fitting exercises for upgrading decisive thinking in language students. Better exercises to advance decisive reasoning abilities are those which require the students to think, collaborate, pose inquiries from themselves as well as other people, and so on These exercises additionally require the students to the exercises with the reasons for such exercises.

4. Give students criticism which gives students understanding that reasoning is a basic piece of their opportunity for growth. This joining of execution and criticism is actually what understudies need as they work to foster how they might interpret a specific point or idea. Input needs to happen habitually, from the start of the unit to its decision, related to exhibitions of comprehension. A few events for input might be formal and arranged; some might be more casual. Criticism likewise needs to give understudies data not just with regards to how well they have completed the exercises yet in addition how they may further develop them. Besides, it needs to advise students regarding the instructors' preparation of ensuing classes and exercises. One more necessity of criticism is that it should come from an assortment of perspectives:from understudies' appearance on their own work, from colleagues considering each other's work, and from the educator. Model for understudies how to give criticism that the two lets them know how well they are doing and gives them data regarding how they may improve.

5. Co-foster models for appraisal. Regardless of whether you have a sense for what the standards for a particularperformance ought to be, take a stab at welcoming students to foster the actual rules by checking out models of comparable exhibitions. Assist understudies with perceiving how the measures connect with the objectives of the exercises. The focuses proposed here are only a couple among many focuses which whenever considered can assist language students with methodical consideration. Indeed, what is exceptionally significant is the educators' arrangement and having at the top of the priority list that evaluation is a critical determinant of what is realized in the language class and how it is learnt. All things considered, the educators can pick the most fitting methods of language appraisal as to the particular setting of their own study hall.

5. End

Decisive believing should be upgraded among language students because of its importance in creating viable language learning. So advancing decisive reasoning abilities is viewed as one of the assignments' of language instructors. They can do this errand through different ways, including involving proper methods of evaluation as appraisal rehearses normally decide the learning destinations of the language students.



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  2. Brinton, D. M., Snow, M. A., & Wesche, M. B. (1989). Content-based second language instruction. Boston,
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  4. Brown, H.D. (2004) Some practical thoughts about students- sensitive critical pedagogy. The Language Teacher, 28(7), 23-27.
  5. Bruss, N. and Macedo, D. P. (1985) Toward pedagogy of the question: Conversations with Paulo Freire. Journal of Education, 167(2), 7-21.
  6. Chamot, A. (1995). Creating a community of thinkers in the ESL/EFL classroom. TESOL Matters, 5(5), 1-16.
  7. Chapple, L., & Curtis, A. (2000). Content-based instruction in Hong Kong: Student responses to film. System, 28, 419-433.

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