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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 8(178)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Laricheva E. DO YOU NEED THE LETTER «YO» IN RUSSIAN // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 8(178). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/178/242860 (дата обращения: 06.03.2025).


Laricheva Elena

Student, Department of Russian Language and Russian Literature Belgorod State National Research University (NRU "BelGU")

Russia, Belgorod



Ларичева Елена Олеговна

студент, кафедра русского языка и русской литературы, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (НИУ «БелГУ»),

РФ, г. Белгород



The article is devoted to the need to use the letter «ё» in the Russian language and is designed to increase the interest of students and teachers in the study of the Russian language and its individual aspects.


Статья посвящена необходимости использования буквы «ё» в русском языке и призвана повысить интерес студентов и преподавателей к изучению русского языка и отдельным его аспектам.


Key words: alphabet, Russian language, sounding, letter.

Ключевые слова: алфавит, русский язык, звучание, буква.


The method of teaching the Russian language provides for fixing the student's attention on the correspondence of the trinity of the meaning of the word, the sound image of the word and its literal composition. As the reader connects the meaning and pronunciation of the word at first perception, so it will be remembered for many years. The writer is responsible, since the distortion of the ideal sound of the word when writing can not only become a hindrance to understanding, but also, with repeated repetition, can make changes in the cultural memory of the people, in a certain sense, destroy the connection of times, distort the truth.

The letter «Yo» is the 7th letter of the Russian alphabet, located between the letters «E» and «Zh». This letter is one of the most controversial in the Russian alphabet [1]. For several centuries of its existence, it had both loyal supporters and ardent opponents, however, even today some ignore it, others use it only in special cases, and only a few faithfully write it in all texts.

I believe that the letter «Yo» is an integral part of the Russian alphabet, but unfortunately, this letter is optional in writing. The optional use of this letter in writing creates difficulties in reading and understanding some words and expressions.

This topic seems relevant, because it is of fundamental importance for the further development of the Russian language, because the Russian language for many people has become an integral part of the daily exchange of information. So what can the absence of the letter «Yo» lead to?

The absence of the letter Yo leads to slow reading. Proper names printed with the letter «Yo» replaced by the letter «E» significantly change their sound. The process of reading fiction recommended in secondary school programs is quite laborious for a modern student due to the strengthening of the video and cartoon component in the formation of a child's personality. Replacing the letter «Yo» with «E» further complicates the internal sound perception. For a child who is starting to read and pronounces words aloud, the absence of the letter «Yo» becomes a very significant hindrance.

There are cases when it is necessary to distinguish between «E» and «Yo» - if two words differ from each other only by this letter. For example, perfect and perfect, everything and everything, sky and sky, sing and sing. But there are more difficult situations. For example, the sentence «Baby of tears, and no tears were seen» is difficult to read, in contrast to the version of its recording, which correctly conveys the sound. Where the context is not clear, errors may occur [3].

The confusion with the letters «E» and «Yo» also affected the names of famous people. So, Afanasy Fet (that was the name of his German mother - Foeth) eventually turned into Afanasy Fet. During the life of the poet, the printing houses that published his poems replaced the letter «Yo» with «E», which is why readers mispronounced his last name. And he himself did not attach much importance to this [6]. Gradually, everyone forgot about the surname «Fet» with the letter «Yo», and the variant «Fet» took root. The poet Robert Burns became Robert Burns, and our compatriots increasingly call the singer Mireille Mathieu with the letter «Yo» Mireille Mathieu.

Currently, the letter «Yo» is contained and used in more than 2500 surnames of citizens living in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union, in thousands of geographical names of our country and the world, in thousands of names and surnames of citizens of foreign countries [4].

The requirement for the mandatory use of the letter Yo in the Russian Federation applies only to official documents and is formulated in the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 1, 2012 No. IR-829/08 «On the spelling of the letters «E» and «Yo» in official documents» [2]. The law on the right of citizens to use the state language of the Russian Federation prescribes the use of the letter Yo when drawing up documents proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as other documents.

Thus, the use of the letter «Yo» is justified in the following cases:

- warning of incorrect recognition of a word, for example: palate, in flight, perfect, including to indicate the place of stress in a word, for example: bucket, we recognize;

- indicating the correct pronunciation of the word - either rare, not well known, or having a common incorrect pronunciation, for example: surfing, harder, including to indicate the correct stress, for example: fable, condemned, newborn;

- proper names - surnames, place names, for example: Neyolova, Catherine Deneuve, Schrödinger, Koshelev, Vyoshenskaya, Olekma.

It is not for nothing that in the city of Ulyanovsk there is a monument to the wonderful letter «Yo» with the exact date of birth - November 29, 1783. It should be noted that it was Nikolai Karamzin who introduced this letter into circulation. The idea of ​​creating a new letter «Yo» belonged to the Russian princess Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova. A Karamzin took a decisive step in the field of popularization of the new letter, releasing a large edition of a collection of his poems, which used the letter «Yo» [5].

In conclusion, I came to the following conclusions that the presence of the letter «Yo» in the alphabet is fully justified by the very development of the Russian language and therefore necessary; the spelling of «Yo» in words is subject to certain and clear rules that should not be violated.

The correct use of the letter «Yo» can only be instilled by a teacher who competently educates younger schoolchildren and does not allow laziness and abandoning the letter «Yo», an enthusiastic teacher who condemns the press, which reduces the number of letters of the Russian alphabet, thereby humiliating the main national property - the Russian language. If students (later computer users: clerks, typists, editors, proofreaders ...) are instilled with a solid skill in using the letter «Yo», in 10-15 years the problem of speech misunderstanding will disappear by itself.



  1. Eskova, N. About the letter Yo [Text] / N. Eskova // Science and Life - 2000. - No. 4.
  2. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 1, 2012 N IR-829/08 «On the spelling of the letters «E» and «Yo» in official documents» [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: www.pravinforu
  3. Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete academic reference book / Ed. V.V. Lopatin. – M.: Eksmo, 2006. – P. 480.
  4. Pchelov E.V. and Chumakov V.T. Two centuries of the Russian letter Yo: History and dictionary. - M.: National education, 2000. – P. 248.
  5. Trofimovich, T. Historical grammar of the Russian language [Text]: textbook. allowance / T. Trofimovich. – M.: TetraSystems, 2011. – P. 208.
  6. Chumakov V.T. Yo in your name. – M.: National education, 2004. – P. 160.

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