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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 26(196)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

Секция: Лингвистика

Скачать книгу(-и): скачать журнал часть 1, скачать журнал часть 2, скачать журнал часть 3

Библиографическое описание:
Ovsepian I. TRANSLATION OF PHONETIC ERRORS IN THE TV SERIES “MODERN FAMILY” // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 26(196). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/196/261548 (дата обращения: 20.02.2025).


Ovsepian Iurii

student, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University,

Moscow, Russia



Овсепян Юрий Арменакович

студент, факультет иностранных языков и регионоведения, Московский Государственный Университет имени М.В. Ломоносова,

РФ, г. Москва



With the growing popularity of American comedy films in Russia and the CIS, it is getting more and more essential to provide high-quality movie translations. This article aims at analysing the phonetic errors in the tv series “Modern Family”.


Западные комедийные фильмы набирают огромную популярность в России и странах СНГ, в связи с чем возрастает и потребность в высококачественных переводах этих фильмов. В этой стайте мы проанализируем перевод фонетических ошибок в сериале «Американская семья».


Keywords: audiovisual translation, comedy, Modern Family, phonetic errors.

Ключевые слова: перевод АВД, комедийные сериалы, Американская семейка, фонетические ошибки.


Example 1

Phil: What a beautiful dress.

Gloria: Oh, thank you, Phil.

Phil: Okay, that's…

Claire: Phil, that's how she says "Phil". Not "feel". "Phil".

Russia Channel One:

  • Красивое платье!
  • На ощупь приятно
  • Правда?
  • Филл, она хотела сказать очень приятно.



- прекрасное платье!

- спасибо, лапа!

- Фил, она тебя лапой называла, а лапать не просила


The main idea of this scene is to create a comic effect based on mispronouncing the word "feel”. It is necessary to preserve both the error and the comic effect.

Comparing these translations, we can say that the comic effect is preserved in both cases. However, the Lostfilm translation did not convey Gloria's phonetic error, completely distorting the idea of the movie scene. From the latter translation it appears that Phill misheard the word "лапа" or just took advantage of the opportunity, while in the translation of Channel One, as well as in the original, Gloria makes a phonetic mistake, which leads to this misunderstanding.

Example 2

Jay: It's "whale watching".

Gloria: "Whale washing".

Jay: "Watching".

Gloria: "Washing".

Jay: It's close enough.

Russia Channel One:

  • На китов глядят.
  • На китов гладят.
  • Глядят.
  • Гладят.
  • Ну почти.  


  • Смотреть на китов.
  • Мыть китов.
  • Смотреть.
  • Мыть.
  • Ну ладно.


We approve of Channel One's translation because the translators preserved not only the comic effect, but also the meaning and compensated for the phonetic error. While Lostfilm translation is not successful as far as the phonetic errors and the comic effect are concerned.

Example 3

Gloria: Luke!

Luke: At what?

Gloria: What do you mean "at what". I said "Luke".

Luke: I am looking.

Russia Channel One:

- Лук!

- Что значит где?

- Я говорю, лук!

- Нет тут лука


- Люк!

- Куда?

- Как это куда?

- Я ищу.


The main idea of this movie scene is to create a comic effect based on the peculiar pronunciation of the name "Luke", which is similar to the verb "look". For an adequate and complete translation it is necessary to preserve both the peculiarities of pronunciation and the comic effect.

Comparing the two versions of the translation, we once again observe that the translators of the Channel One official dubbing have both transferred the comic effect and compensated for the phonetic error. At the same time, this translation does not contradict the video, while in the LostFilm translation the comic effect and phonetic error were leveled.

To conclude, when translating phonetic errors, it is necessary to preserve them, as they are the basis for creating a comic effect in these scenes. One of the most effective techniques in this case is compensation.



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  2. Retzker J. I. Transmission of contaminated speech in translation and the role of tradition // Mosty – 2015 (4)

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