Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 14(226)
Рубрика журнала: Математика
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From the inequality follows that
, and the sign of equality takes place only when
If – are positive numbers, then if we divide both parts of the last inequality by
, we get:
Using inequality (4), we can easily prove that the sum of two positive numbers is not less than 2 if their product is one.
In fact, if . The inequality
follows from inequality (4) for
Let us now prove the theorem.
Theorem 1. If the product of n positive numbers is 1, then their sum is not less than n.
In other words, the equation it follows that
, where
, if the numbers
are not all the same.
Proof. Let's prove this theorem by mathematical induction.
Earlier we proved the validity of Theorem 1 for the case of two positive numbers (n=2).
Let us suppose that the theorem is true for n=k≥2, i.e. supposing that the inequality
takes place if , we prove the theorem for
, i.e. we prove that
if , with
First of all, we note that if
then two cases can be presented:
- All multipliers
are equal, i.e.
- Not all multipliers are equal.
In the first case each multiplier is equal to one and their sum is , i.e.
In the second case among the multipliers of the product we can find the numbers that are more or less than one (if all multipliers were less than one then their product would be less then one)
Let, for example, . We have:
Assuming , we will get
Since here is the product of positive numbers are equal to one, then (according to the assumption) their sum is not less than k, i.e.
Remember that, , we will get
Since , то
So, theorem 1 is proved.
Task 1. Prove, that if are positive numbers, then
the sign of inequality takes place in case when .
Solution. Since
then the inequality follows from the theorem 1. The equal sign takes place when
i.e. when .
Task 2. Prove the inequality
Solution. We have:
Since the product of the terms on the right side of the equality is equal to one, then their sum is not less than two The equal sign takes place only when.
Task 3. The equal sign takes place only when
Solution. Since , then
Task 4. Prove the inequality
Solution. Divide the numerator and denominator of the left side of the inequality by
Since, , то
, hence,
Definition. Number is called geometric mean of positive numbers
and the number
is called geometric mean of these numbers.
Theorem2. The geometric mean of positive numbers is not greater than the arithmetic mean of the same numbers.
If number are not all equal, then the geometric mean of these numbers is less than their arithmetic mean.
Proof. From equality follows that
Since the product of n positive numbers is 1, then (Theorem1) their sum is not less than , i.e.
Multiplying both parts of the last inequality by g and dividing by n, we get:
Note that equality takes place only when
, i.e.
If the numbers are not all equal, then
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