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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 40(294)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

Секция: Лингвистика

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Библиографическое описание:
Amanbek M. METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR THE FORMATION OF INTERCULTURAL RELATIONS ON THE BASIS OF INTERNET RESOURCES IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 40(294). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/294/352567 (дата обращения: 23.03.2025).


Amanbek Merey

student of 6В01513 M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz University,

Kazakhstan, Taraz

Saduakhassova Manshuk

научный руководитель,

scientific advisor, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior teacher M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz University,

Kazakhstan, Taraz


The article considers the concepts of intercultural competence, as well as intercultural communicative competence as a subject of scientific research of elementary school students. The role of multicultural education and competence approaches is discussed. Special attention is paid to the foundations of methodological basis for the formation of intercultural relations on the basis of Internet resources.


Keywords: inclusion, integration, concept, modern educational system Intercultural competence, multicultural education, competence method, primary school age, intercultural communicative competence.


The relevance of all issues related to culture is widespread nowadays. Every foreign language lesson is a junction of cultures, it is an experience of intercultural relations, because every word is a reflection of another culture, another world: behind every word hides the national identity of this nation. Therefore, the formation of intercultural competence in future teachers in English class helps to prepare them for intercultural communication in the dialogue of cultures, that is, to educate their competitiveness. In this regard, in the current era of globalisation, in the period of socio-economic development of our country, the rapid growth of industry, the growing demand of society for citizens who have absorbed our national cultural, historical and spiritual values, and the rise to the world level, inculcating in schools to the younger generation of national values, educational achievements to the educational level of civilised countries. [1, p. 256] The article is devoted to the problem of methodological foundations for the formation of intercultural communicative competence of future primary school teachers on the basis of Internet resources. Recently, the types of information and communication technologies (ICT) used in the process of teaching a foreign language have been described. The advantages of using Internet resource in foreign language lessons are also noted. In addition, ways of using Internet resources in communicative participation are shown. A methodological model of intercultural communication competence is constructed, methodological guidelines showing the effectiveness of this model are presented, as well as a set of tasks and exercises for the development of intercultural communication competence through Internet resources.

In the modern era of globalisation, society's need for citizens who have assimilated our national cultural, historical and spiritual values is growing during the period of socio-economic development of the country, rapid growth of industry, advocates the need to raise educational achievements to the level of civilised countries by instilling national values in the younger generation in schools.

Modern society is characterised as a learning society, not limited by the walls of educational institutions (in space) and the completion of general education (in time). The individual is at the centre of a continuous process of learning and teaching. In a learning society, the learning process itself is a value. And the well-being of each individual is determined by access to information and the ability to work with it through ICT. Therefore, to achieve the goal, the entire learning process in educational institutions should be provided with information and communication technologies. [3, c. 272]

Foreign information and educational environment is a condition for the effectiveness of the formation of intercultural-communicative competence, and in the process of pedagogically organized interaction between the subjects of the educational process - not only the development of personality, but also the development of personality, which is carried out as a result of culture and dialogue offered by electronic educational resources.refers to an organized set of educational resources.  The constant use of new modern technologies in the classroom obliges teachers to search a lot, creatively and professionally use rational and effective teaching methods in accordance with modern requirements.

During the formation of high basic standard level the following types of qualifications are formed: linguocultural, sociocultural, professionally-oriented and content-professional.

To summarise, the above exercises aimed at forming the competence of intercultural communication through the use of Internet resources of future teachers are proposed. If the forecast and tasks of practical-experimental work are organised correctly, the work of practical training will be effective.



  1. Artykbaeva E.V. Theory and technology of e-learning in general education school: Dr. of Pedagogical Sciences, Almaty, 2010.
  2. The State Programme for the Development and Use of Languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020 // Almaty, 2008, June
  3. Chaklikova A.T. Scientific and theoretical bases of formation of intercultural-communicative competence in the conditions of informatisation of foreign language education: dissertation of doctor of pedagogical sciences, Almaty, 2009.

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