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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 1(297)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Zhumabek A. IN THE WORLD OF ENGLISH IDIOMS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2025. № 1(297). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/297/356978 (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).


Zhumabek Anel

student, specialty "6В05111", Taraz University named after M.Kh. Dulaty,

The Republic of Kazakhstan, Taraz

Nauryzbaeva Aygul

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, Master of Linguistics, Taraz University named after M.Kh. Dulaty,

The Republic of Kazakhstan, Taraz


The relevance of the project "In the World of English Idioms" is related to the importance of understanding and using idiomatic expressions in English for effective communication. In the context of globalization and international communication, knowledge of idioms allows not only to improve language skills, but also to better understand the culture and thinking of native speakers. The study of idioms contributes to the development of intercultural competence necessary for successful interaction in various contexts, be it in business, study or everyday life. The project also emphasizes the need to integrate idiomatic expressions into educational programs to improve students' language literacy.


Keywords: research, idioms, recommendation, context, analyze.


Idiomatic expressions are very important in the English language and are central to everyday communication. An idiom is a set of expressions, the meaning of which cannot always be understood from the meaning of the individual words. Studying idioms not only enriches your vocabulary, but also helps you to understand the cultural and historical contexts in which they originated.

The relevance of the In the World of English Idioms project lies in the need to study and systematise idioms and to understand their meaning and use in modern English. In the face of globalisation and intensive cultural exchange, knowledge of English idioms is becoming increasingly important for successful communication in both personal and professional environments.

The aim of the project is to explore various aspects of English idioms, including their origin, use and cultural characteristics. We will consider how idioms affect the perception of language by native speakers and learners of English, and also offer practical recommendations for their study and use in real life.

An idiom is a phrase whose meaning cannot be understood by analysing individual words. For example, the expression 'to kick the bucket' means 'to die' and cannot be interpreted literally. Idioms enrich the language, giving it expressiveness and colour, and also serve as a means of conveying cultural nuances.

An idiom is a fixed expression or phrase whose meaning cannot be deduced from the literal meanings of its individual words. Idioms are often culturally specific, reflecting the history, traditions and experiences of a particular language community. For example, the idiom "spill the beans" means to reveal a secret, and its literal translation does not convey this meaning.

Idiomatic expressions often have interesting historical and cultural roots. Many are derived from literature, folklore, traditions and customs. For example, the expression "to burn the midnight oil" has its roots in the practice of working by the light of oil when people stayed up late at work. Studying where idioms come from can help us understand cultural contexts and how language changes.

Historical events, cultural practices, literature and everyday life are often at the root of idioms. An understanding of the origins of idioms is a valuable insight into the language and culture of their origin. Here are some key aspects of the origins of idioms:

Historical context. Specific historical events or practices are at the root of many idioms. For example: "Burning the midnight oil": This phrase comes from the practice of working late into the night by the light of an oil lamp. It reflects the hard work and dedication involved in studying or working late at night. "The writing on the wall": This expression refers to the biblical story of Belshazzar's Feast in the Book of Daniel, where mysterious writing foretold the fall of Babylon, symbolising an ominous warning.

Language, culture and context must be carefully considered when translating idioms. Translators can navigate these complexities and convey the intended meaning more accurately by understanding the challenges involved. Through the use of effective strategies, they can bridge the gap between languages and preserve the richness of idiomatic expressions.

Reflecting cultural and historical aspects, idioms are an important part of the English language. Learning them not only enriches your vocabulary, but also deepens your understanding of the language and culture. The In the World of English Idioms project demonstrates the importance of including idioms in the classroom and in everyday communication, allowing for a deeper level of mutual understanding and interaction.

Studying idioms related to the weather showed that idioms are not only linguistic constructs but also important cultural artefacts. They reflect many years of human experience in observing nature and interacting with the environment.

Understanding and using folk signs not only contributes to the enrichment of the language stock, but also deepens the understanding of the cultural context. Despite the difficulties involved in translating and interpreting idioms, their study opens up new horizons for communication and promotes better mutual understanding between people of different cultures.

This study's relevance lies in the possibility of integrating traditional knowledge into modern educational programs and practices, thus contributing to the preservation of cultural heritage and increasing environmental literacy.



  1. McCarthy, M., & O'Dell, F. (2005). English Idioms in Use: Intermediate. Cambridge University Press.
  2. Oxford English Dictionary. (n.d.). "Idiom." Retrieved from [OED website] (https://www.oed.com).
  3. Richards, J. C., & Schmidt, R. (2010). Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. Routledge.

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