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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 18(62)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Azizov S.U. SIGNIFICANT FACTORS OF INVOLVING LANGUAGE LEARNERS TO LEARN FOREIGN LANGUAGES INNOVATIVELY // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2019. № 18(62). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/62/141167 (дата обращения: 09.03.2025).


Azizov Solijon Uchmas o’g’li

master student, Uzbekistan State World Languages University,

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

“What and for which areas will specialists in the near and far future economic development be needed? Already, it is necessary to think deeply about this issue, to educate personnel that meet the requirements of the time and pace of reforms.

Our future depends on the solution of this issue.”

Sh. M. Mirziyoyev


Tertiary education is an optional stage of continuous education in which people receive education in different fields of science according to their choices. Before entering higher education, it is important and advisable for those who complete secondary education at lyceums, vocational colleges, and schools continuing their education. As 10 and 11 grades of schools, lyceums and colleges can be considered as more practical processes in practice, the following detailed description of our research is illustrated based on our observations in Uzbekistan.  In addition to that, it is highly important to be able to form the continuous education in the right way in practice because at higher education everything depends on each other like a chain, and for this reason, the following stages should be formed step by step:

  1. 10 and 11 grades at schools. During these stages of education, pupils should be guided towards appropriately chosen jobs based on different tests, and these tests should be formed taking psychological, physiological and linguistic aspects thoroughly. Furthermore, we should mention one factor that to make this plan be done successfully, pupils should be taught based on a particular programme. For instance, there is a special programme which is ‘Uzbekistan State Standards’ in the system of teaching foreign languages. In this programme, there are the following stages of education:
  • Public secondary education
  • Secondary special vocational education
  • Higher education
  • Postgraduate education

As all the stages of education are mentioned above, the programme has been based on the requirements of the CEFR to prepare personnel perfectly who can meet the demands of not only our government, but also of the world. Uniting all the main requirements of the CEFR, the programme consists of the following levels for language learners:

  • A1 - Basic user initial level (Primary education)
  • A2 - Basic user level (Primary education)
  • A2+ - Basic user enhanced level (Primary education (9th grade) specialized in foreign languages)
  • B1 - Independent user initial level (non-language and second foreign language)
  • B1+ - Independent user high initial level (Specialized in foreign languages) 
  • B2 – Independent user level (bachelor and masters of non-language departments and bachelors of second foreign language)
  • C1 – Proficient user level (bachelors and masters of language departments)
  • B2 – Independent user level (senior researchers of non-language institutes)
  • C1 – Proficient user level (senior researches of language departments) [2]

All the main levels are described above, the programme also consists of linguistic competence (competence in language skills – speaking, writing, listening, reading skills and competence in language areas – grammatical, lexical, phonological) and sociolinguistic and pragmatic competences [2]. Each of them has its own tasks and aims in teaching foreign languages continuously. Because of this reason, while teaching foreign languages to pupils at schools, the main task should be to introduce the most necessary basis of the target language in practice. This process will be continued till the 10th grade continuously, and from this grade, pupils should be taught according to their interests which can be achieved via modern innovative technologies:

  • Teachers can test pupils using Google forms online which can be sent to pupils in different forms, such as multiple choice test, questionnaires or asking their suggestions, opinions of their favourite jobs.
  • Teachers can organize special round-table discussions for pupils in classes talking about their difficulties in deciding their specialities right. This method can be done by enabling them to be able to see results of their choices beforehand, namely a teacher should be able to work with pupils effectively and appropriately. To make this happen, teachers of foreign languages can use presentations and varied visual materials through which pupils can understand everything easily.

We have aimed state our conclusion after the above-mentioned method that some teachers are making mistakes while teaching pupils foreign languages, in other words, they are not capable of listening to pupils and understanding them by which they can easily make pupils follow them. As it is often mentioned, we can mention once more that when a real problem can be felt or seen, its solutions can be found easily and quickly. Taking this factor into account, we can say that in Uzbekistan graduates of the 9th grades can choose the next stages of education in two forms: one is studying at 10-11th grades while another one is studying at vocational colleges or lyceums. As the main factors for the 10-11th grades are mentioned above, we can say that pupils should be taught in foreign languages based on their forms of educational stages in practice.

  1. Vocational colleges and lyceums. The second foremost period in teaching and learning foreign languages is continued at colleges and lyceums gradually. This stage can be considered as one of the most vital periods of the continuous education in practice. This stage is between primary and tertiary education which outlines the most significant part in fulfilling the requirements of the continuous education and the Standards, in fact. Before stating our main factors for this stage, the main roles of vocational colleges and lyceums in the process of teaching and learning foreign languages are stated in the following:
  • Academic lyceums are considered to be as the initial stages before entering higher education institutions (HEIs) because the subjects at lyceums are taught by taking more theoretical basis into account guiding students to enter universities to get full higher education. Accordingly, teaching second languages at these educational institutions ought to be formed by focusing on the academic module of this or that foreign language. For instance, if we cite the procedure of training the IELTS, students are taught how to write academic essays, to talk about exact issues, to comprehend lectures in a foreign language by fostering listening skills, to comprehend texts in the foreign language via reading strategies. As the foremost objective at this stage is considered to prepare students to meet the necessities of HEIs, teachers of foreign languages use not only simple study-materials, but also special sources to teach students who study biology, chemistry, mathematics, history, ICT, and so on. Students of those fields of science learn a second language based on their subjects. In fact, it is known that there is a special term for this form of teaching: ESP (English for Specific Purposes)
  • English for specific purposes (ESP) is a subset of English as a second or foreign language. It usually refers to teaching the English language to university students or people already in employment, with reference to the particular vocabulary and skills they need [3].

 This process enables teachers of foreign languages work with their learners more effectively and well because after completing grades 10 and 11 at schools having acquired the most essential bases of the target language, pupils can easily acquire, for example, English according to their needs and requests of their specialities. It is vital to mention that as our research paper is based on the application of social networking services (SNSs) and messengers into the system of teaching and learning foreign languages, at lyceums, teachers can create a comfortable atmosphere at their lessons.

  • Vocational colleges are based on more practical aspects in Uzbekistan like in other world colleges. At vocational colleges, students are involved to acquire diverse kinds of work, such as working at banks, hotels, works and so on which means that the most crucial thing which students must acquire is learning to speak in the target language as much fluently as they can. This task can also be achieved by following a particular system of teaching foreign languages. For this reason, we have aimed to focus on students’ various skills and features to make the process more effective and successful in practice as well. This can be organized in the following way:
  • Teachers explain main rules of speaking fluently and correctly in the target language through different SNSs and messengers during lessons at colleges and distantly which provides language learners with sources.
  • Learners are provided with examples in different forms, such as video, audio or text on the platforms of SNSs and messengers which assists them to feel convenient and confident.
  • Learners are asked to drill rules of the language independently and to submit their tasks in different forms on the SNSs and messengers to make the process more practical and innovative. By doing so, learners’ not only linguistic, but also psychological, computational skills are developed in practice.
  1. Higher education institutes are commonly understood as the final steps of education in practice. This course can be structured taking the following factors into consideration:

The approaches of the trainings of the contemporary language education process ought to be planned and presented through both modernized and digitalized methods. It is known that nowadays all teachers use information technologies, such as presentation files, video, audio materials or projectors to fascinate learners. As time passes, these means have become usual and ordinary tools which are used at any lesson. As a result of this, the percentage of the progresses which are made by the learners is remarkably decreasing instead of increasing for their profits. This issue is being discussed by the specialists globally in the sphere of education. Accordingly, the solution to this problem can be to unite the innovative means with the lessons systematically to depict real benefits of using ICT in teaching foreign languages to meet the demands of the current time.



  1. Uzbekistan State Standard. State Educational Standards of Continuous Education of Uzbekistan. Tashkent, 2013.
  2. http://www.esp-world.info/articles_5/Valencia.htm

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