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Статья опубликована в рамках: CLXXXVIII Международной научно-практической конференции «Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 16 мая 2024 г.)

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Библиографическое описание:
Samieva A. STYLISTIC FEATURES OF TRANSLATION OF CHILDREN'S LITERATURE FROM ENGLISH INTO KAZAKH // Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: сб. ст. по мат. CLXXXVIII междунар. студ. науч.-практ. конф. № 9(187). URL: https://sibac.info/archive/meghdis/9(187).pdf (дата обращения: 04.03.2025)
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Samieva Akerke

student of the Kapus group 31, Faculty of foreign languages, Karaganda State University named after Academician E.A. Buketov,

Kazakhstan, Karaganda

Aratayeva Aigul

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, candidate of philological sciences, Karaganda State University named after Academician E.A. Buketov,

Kazakhstan, Karaganda

Children's literature is literary works written for children. Although works of art that are not written specifically for children, but affect their ability to think, understand, taste, and dream, and attract children to themselves, can also be classified as children's literature [1].

Children's literature is a special branch of speech art. The works belonging to this type of literature are distinguished by the interesting and attractive story, the brightness of the composition. The language should be light, artistic, understandable, clear and impressive.

The main goals of children's literature are: to awaken the consciousness of the young generation, to develop their minds, to teach them morality, patriotism, instill in them good ideals. Children's literature is not only artistic works that develop children's aesthetic taste, but also their best friend, protector and advisor. They are written mainly for children of preschool and school age. H.K. Andersen's fairy tales, M. Twain, J. Verne's novels, and other artists' works are written for children. Although the works of Swift and V. Scott were not written for children they have become books they love to read.

Children's literature is an important and integral part of the literary world. It plays a big role in the development of children, helps to expand their thinking, develop their imagination and emotional sphere. However, children's literature has its own characteristics that make it unique and attractive to young readers.

The first feature of children's literature is its simplicity and accessibility. Children are just starting to learn reading skills, so books should be easy and understandable for them. Authors of children's literature use simple language, short sentences, and colorful illustrations to help children easily accept and understand the content of the book [2].

The second feature is the presence of moral teachings and values. Children's literature often teaches important lessons about friendship, justice, tolerance, and other values. Through stories and characters, children learn the difference between good and bad, and develop empathy and understanding of the world around them.

The third feature is imagination. Children's literature is often filled with fantastical and surprising stories that help expand children's imagination and creativity. They can travel through time and space, communicate with animals and magical creatures, and explore new worlds and adventures.

The fourth feature is the variety of genres. Children's literature covers many genres, from fairy tales and poems to short stories and novels. This allows children to choose books based on their interests and preferences. In addition, different genres help develop different reading and comprehension skills.

The fifth feature is visual appeal. Children are usually attracted to books with colorful pictures that help them better understand and visualize the story. Illustrations in children's literature play an important role in creating atmosphere and conveying emotions, making reading interesting and impressive [2].

In general, children's literature has its own characteristics that make it unique and important for children's development. It helps children expand their horizons, develop their imagination and emotions, and learn important life lessons and values. Therefore, children's literature occupies an important place in the life of every child and should be accessible and interesting for them.

Children's literature is an important component of literary heritage and plays an important role in the formation of personality, education and upbringing of children. It has a number of special features that are specific to the audience of young readers.

Children's literature is a special branch of Kazakh literature. No matter how the fairy tale sounds, words of the great writer of the Kazakh people M. Auezov take a special place every time: "the common feature of all fairy tales is that it is an eventful, artistic history. All fabulous, built in the form of miraculous fairy tales, fantastic stories, or as grandiose, full of events, based on the peasant profession, public construction litigation, history» [3].

The famous Danish fairy tale «The Ugly Duckling» was translated into Kazakh language by the professional translator Zhumabayev G. and is accessible to Kazakh readers. The author, in the process of translation of a fairy tale into Kazakh language, tries to convey its literary rich language, effectively using phraseology and metaphors. In general, when translating a work from English into Kazakh, each translator may face the following semantic features [4].

Firstly, the change of names and characters: in the original English the duck is described as «duck coals», and the Kazakh translation used an alternative expression «The Ugly Duckling», preserving the meaning and emotional color. Secondly, the adaptation of cultural aspects: the fairy tale has elements characteristic of Western culture, which require adaptation or replacement by appropriate Kazakh counterparts.

One of the most important aspects of text translation is the adaptation of dialogues and expressions. Incomprehensible and foreign word combinations, as well as even games, can be adapted for Kazakh-speaking readers. This includes the level of preservation of images and metaphors [5].

Thus, for example, the metaphors and allegories used in the fairy tale should reach the readers even in the Kazakh language, so that they retain their sense depth and emotional impact. Therefore, examples and adaptations in the translation of the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling" into the Kazakh language may vary depending on the specific context and target audience, but the main goal is to preserve semantic, stylistic, emotional impact and cultural identity. As noted above, the translator, who translated the fairy tale from the original to the Kazakh language, in most cases, translated with the preservation of above-mentioned aspects. The translation of the first English sentence of the work should be highlighted as an argument:

«It was lovely summer weather in the country» was translated into Kazakh language as «Жаздың жайма-шуақ кезі еді».

This sentence shows that the author of the translation, for the most part, brought to readers the sentence retaining a rich cultural, literary style in his native language [6].

In addition, it is important to observe the translation features, as in the description of nature. For example, in the original nature is described as follows:

«The corn-fields and meadows were surrounded by large forests, in the midst of which were deep pools».

If you build an online translation the Kazakh sentence will be as follows: «Жүгері алқаптары мен шабындықтар үлкен ормандармен қоршалған, олардың ортасында терең сулар болған» we see the absence of any favourable expressive aspects, but in Zhumabayev’s Kazakh translation it is translated as follows:

«Сонау жайсаң дала, жасыл алқаптың ар жағында қарауытып қара орман тұр, оның қойнауы толған түпсіз терең шалқар көл».

As a result, we see that this translation contains richness of thought and preserves artistic style Kazakh language. But it is not always possible to achieve such a complete translation at once. There are some cases where the peculiarities and difficulties of translation of fiction are revealed.

In most cases, translators do not use a literal approach, but a semantic translation. This means that they strive to convey the meaning of the original text in the target language, adapting the style and intonation to the target audience. For example, the words "golden corn" and "green oats" could be translated into Kazakh as "сұлы көктеп" and "пішеннің шөмелге салынған шағы" respectively, in order to preserve the beauty and imagery of the original phrase. In addition, image design methods are often used to increase the effectiveness of translation and attractiveness to the reader. Let us consider some examples:

«The Ugly Duckling is tired»

The translation of an online translator was «Ұсқынсыз үйрек шаршады»

The translation of G. Zhumabayev: «Ұсқынсыз үйрек жалықты»

One more example: «To have a gossip with her»

An online translator:  «үйрекпен өсек айту»

G. Zhumabayev: «онымен барқылдасу»

Thus in the process of translating from English to Kazakh, we face many challenges and difficulties. The most prominent differences between the two languages are in the phrases and sentence structures.

For example, while in English the initial narrator often follows the secondary narrator within a sentence, in Kazakh the secondary narrator often appears at the end. The fairy tale «The Ugly Duckling» is a work of fiction, written by an author who has a unique perspective and worldview. It is important to translate this text in a way that conveys the author's intended meaning clearly to Kazakh-speaking readers, while also maintaining the original style and emotional tone. Not only does the translator need to accurately convey the information in the text, but he must also portray the emotions and feelings the author intended to convey.



  1. Innocence & experience: essays & conversations on children's literature by Harrison, Barbara, 1936-; Maguire, Gregory; Simmons College. Center forthe Study of Children's Literature   https://archive.org/details/innocenceexperie00harr
  2. Writers, Critics and Children: Articles from Children's Literature in Education Author: Fox, Jeff https://archive.org/details/writerscriticsch00foxg
  3. (M. Auezov, 1948) https://studkz.pro/search/details/1-130874
  4. Children's Literature: The Development of Criticism  by Peter Hunt- USA- 1990. P. 75-90.
  5. Children's Literature: An Illustrated History by Peter Hunt  1995 Oxford University.P.186-200
  6. Children's Literature: An Anthology 1801-1902 UK.P 150-300
  7. Лотман Ю. «Структура художественного текста. Анализ поэтического текста» https://knigogid.ru/books/1038627-struktura-hudozhestvennogo-teksta-analiz-poeticheskogo-teksta/toread
  8. Ұсқынсыз үйрек - Ханс Кристиан Андерсен 1843 https://сказки-андерсена.рф/ұсқынсыз-үйрек-балапаны/
  9. The Ugly Duckling - Hans Christian Andersen 1843 https://ouenglish.ru/tales/ugly-duckling-english
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