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Статья опубликована в рамках: CXXXVIII Международной научно-практической конференции «Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 07 апреля 2022 г.)

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Библиографическое описание:
Dolgusheva Yu., Dzhussubaliyeva D. INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION AND LINGUISTIC CULTURE AS A SEPARATE DISCIPLINES // Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: сб. ст. по мат. CXXXVIII междунар. студ. науч.-практ. конф. № 7(138). URL: https://sibac.info/archive/meghdis/7(138).pdf (дата обращения: 21.03.2025)
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Dolgusheva Yuliya

Master’s student, faculty of postgraduate education, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages,

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty

Dzhussubaliyeva Dina

doctor of pedagogical sciences, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages,

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty


Linguistic culture and intercultural communications after their separation have two independent disciplinary systems with their own conceptual apparatus. The article discusses the basic concepts of linguistic culture and intercultural communication, their main provisions and key differences.


Keywords: intercultural communication, linguistic culture, culture, concept.


Cultural linguistics and intercultural communication enriched linguistics at the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. These two directions arose on an interdisciplinary basis and developed from linguistic and regional studies.

Linguoculturology and intercultural communication are closely related to the concept of culture. In order to identify the main provisions of linguoculturology and intercultural communication, it is very important to start with the definition of the concept of "culture" itself.

Each person from his very birth belongs to one or another group, it is in these groups that a person socializes and his ability to communicate with other people takes place. Typically, larger groups include cultures of different peoples. It is they who lay the foundation for communication, using pragmatic and cognitive functions.

Until now, there have been many attempts to define the concept of "culture". "Culture" was described by different approaches. Historical, psychological, behavioral, descriptive-taxonomic and many others were used. What can it say? First of all, that the concept of "culture" refers to related concepts that permeate almost all spheres of human life. That is why culture is a complex structured concept.

It is customary to compare culture with an iceberg where its visible part is a manifestation of human behavior, his speech, the traditions that he observes, the patterns that he follows. However, the main part of this iceberg is hidden from human eyes. This part, invisible to the human eye, includes the values ​​of a person, his worldview and worldview, which determine what comes to the surface, to the visible part of the iceberg.

If we imagine that each person is a so-called cultural iceberg, what happens if two icebergs meet? Will there be a collision between two people belonging to different cultures? Will they be able to understand each other? After all, each person is a representative of his own culture and sees it in his own way.

For some, this is primarily literature, art, music and painting; for others, culture is more about material culture, about the culture of production, the culture of everyday life; still others define culture as a culture of speech or a culture of communication - and here it is difficult to say which perception is more correct or preferable, since all of the above aspects are included in the concept of "culture" and everyone is free to perceive it as he sees fit and correct. After all, culture itself is a very multifaceted phenomenon.

In other words, the concept of "culture" has different aspects of consideration. Let's learn about a few of them: these are material and technical, art criticism, political, socio-pedagogical, linguistic, legal and many others. Etymologically, the word "culture" goes back to the Latin "colere" and means "process", "cultivate". That is why "culture" is perceived as something that is opposed to the concept of "nature", something that needs to be cultivated and processed, something that does not belong to the natural. Culture and nature are related as "artificial" and "natural".

It is important to note that we feel so naturally surrounded by our own culture that sometimes we do not even notice it, we take our culture for granted. It is only when we find ourselves in another culture that we begin to truly understand what our own culture means to us. In this situation, a person can be compared to a fish that feels that it needs water to live when it finds itself on land. A person who finds himself in a foreign cultural environment cannot feel fully without understanding a foreign culture, and therefore he is forced to learn as much as possible about a foreign culture in order to adapt to a new environment. And only then does he truly realize the value of his culture. Because each person associates and identifies himself to a certain cultural environment.

Turning to the concept of intercultural communication, it is worth dwelling on the concept of communication itself. Communication is a complex, personal, symbolic, transactional process and very often unregulated and unconscious. Any communicative interactions can be either successful or not, they can lead both to a constructive dialogue, and even to a conflict, or a communicative failure. This and much more will largely depend on the communicative competence of both participants in the communicative process. This means that if participants skillfully find a balance between common and different in their perceptual processes, then the communication process will be considered successful. If a balance is not found, then such communication will be regarded as a communication failure.

The terms "cross-cultural" or "intercultural" are most often used interchangeably. If we are talking about a scientific approach to the interaction of two cultures or two languages ​​of two different countries, the most accepted terminological combinations are “intercultural communication” or “cross-cultural interaction”.

Moreover, it is necessary to distinguish between the process and the theory of intercultural communication. If we consider the term "cross-cultural", then it refers primarily to the study of some particular phenomenon in two or more cultures, and also has the additional meaning of comparison.

The very term “intercultural communication”, or ICC for short, was introduced by American scientists L. Samovar and R. Porter. Initially, this term denoted a scientific direction, in the center of which was the study of communication failures or failures, as well as their consequences in various situations of intercultural interaction. However, later there was an expansion of the concept of “intercultural communication” and it spread to teaching foreign languages, translation theory, comparative cultural studies and many other areas of research.

Began to study the behavior of people who are faced with differences in language activities and the consequences of these differences. The result of such a study is considered to be a description of cultural specifics in the expression and interpretation of the linguistic actions of communicants.

There is no precise definition of intercultural communication yet. According to some scientists, it is extremely difficult to form a single concept. Donets P.N. tried to structure the concept of intercultural communication something like this: "Under the ICC is understood the process of interaction between representatives of different national cultures, suggesting an equal status of participants."

The focus was on questions about how culturally oriented factors can influence intercultural communication. For example, the expectation of a particular level of formality or informality of communication, verbal and non-verbal indicators of social status, the degree of politeness in discourse, and much more. The different communicative competence of the participants affects not only the result, but also the course of the communicative event.

Communicative competence implies not only the knowledge of the native language and the language of a partner in the communicative process, but also the knowledge of non-verbal and paraverbal elements of communication typical of another culture. These are facial expressions, gestures, pitches and tempo of speech, duration of pauses, postures and much more.

"Intercultural communication" as a terminological combination has been widely used in domestic linguodidactics since the 2000s after the publication of textbooks by D.B. Gudkov and S.G. Ter-Minasova. The birthplace of this discipline is the United States of America, it is known that the United States is a country of emigrants, it was in it that the habits, customs and traditions of people from different cultures and countries came into contact, merged and collided. It is also worth noting that in American education such a discipline as Intercultural Communication is very common at universities.

A scientific organization has been created there - the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research, which brings together willing enthusiasts from different fields and organizes various seminars, conferences, on topical issues in a multicultural American society. Such problems include communication styles and communication strategies, language and culture, the interaction of different cultures when teaching a second foreign language, intercultural adaptation in multilingual families, as well as the organization of effective cooperation within a multicultural team of students, and much more.

The main concept in intercultural communication is diversity. American and European scientists and researchers in their writings study the problems of ethnocentrism, conflict, adaptation, identity, interaction, value. Political correctness, multicultural education, cultural mosaic, speech communication, cultural style and style of communication are also topical issues.

The main direction of the content of the training sessions is to study the experience of communication in different countries. At such training, personal speeches of participants, discussion of the studied literature regarding the problematic issue are widely practiced. Such an approach to teaching shows a high level of effectiveness in overcoming cultural problems and barriers.

In turn, the Russian manuals on intercultural communication mainly feature concepts known from Russian linguistic and cultural studies, such as: worldview, language and culture, social symbolism, sociocultural stereotypes, cultural shock, cultural gaps, and so on.

However, over the past decade, the conceptual apparatus of intercultural communication has been replenished with such new conceptual terms as communicative behavior (I.A. Sternin) and speech-behavioral tactics (E.M. Vereshchagin and V.G. Kostomarov). They are based on speech action, which is the minimum unit of speech communication. It combines speech communication, speech act, content, etc.

Also in the discipline "Intercultural communication" varieties of speech acts are considered, such as motivation, message, questions, expression of emotion, announcement, speech etiquette.

In the scientific and methodological literature, it is customary to clearly distinguish between the concepts of "speech-behavioral tactics" and "speech action". Speech-behavioral tactics is a setting that is homogeneous in intention and implementation, which programs speech actions and verbal behavior. Speech-behavioral tactics most often involve national and cultural characteristics.

 It is for this reason that in order to achieve mutual understanding and tolerant communication in a foreign language, it is very important at the initial stage to teach such speech-behavioral tactics and speech actions as agreement with a proposal or request; joint action proposal; encouragement and advice to take action; response to gratitude, or congratulations, clarification or clarification of information, and much more.

An important place in the discipline "Intercultural communication" is occupied by the section "Communicative behavior". It is understood as "a set of norms and traditions of communication of a certain group of people." It can also be described through such key concepts as communicative culture, national communicative behavior, communicative norms, communicative taboos, communicative shock, communicative traditions, and so on.

At present, both intercultural communication and linguoculturology are generally recognized independent scientific fields.

The main subject of linguoculturology is the place and role of language and culture in the functioning and formation of the individual.

According to A.A. Leontiev, culture is a linguo-didactic phenomenon that includes information about the cultural stereotype of society, about the social environment, about the accepted system of values, about practical semiotics, or the so-called sign environment.

According to A.A. According to Leontiev, culture is not only cultural traditions in literature, art, etc., but also a system of reference points for the normal participation of a representative of a different culture in the social activities of a given ethnic group, where culture mediates the process of socialization.

Linguoculturology studies the ethnopsychological characteristics and spiritual culture of the people, parameology, precedent texts and sociocultural connotations. The main concepts of this area are the picture of the world, concept, logoepistema (where logos is a word, episteme is knowledge), winged words, phraseological units, sayings, aphorisms, quotations, proverbs.

Cultural linguistics is a science that arose at the intersection of linguistics and cultural studies. It explores various manifestations of the culture of different peoples of the world, which are reflected and were able to gain a foothold in the language. Nevertheless, this is not just the sum of two intersecting sciences, but specifically the development of a fundamentally new scientific direction, which is able to overcome the narrowness of the facts of this direction, providing them with a new vision and explanation.

For this reason that we should consider cultural linguistics not as a union of linguistics and cultural studies, but as a separate interdisciplinary branch of science, independent in its tasks, goals, object of study and methods.

The question arises of the need to form the categorical apparatus of linguoculturology. This means to define the fundamental concepts that make up the apparatus. Concepts that could characterize the model of modern linguocultural reality. When creating this conceptual apparatus, it is important that he be able to analyze the problem of the relationship between culture and language in their dynamics.

Cultural linguistics is a science that arose at the intersection of linguistics and cultural studies. It explores various manifestations of the culture of different peoples of the world, which are reflected and were able to gain a foothold in the language. Nevertheless, this is not just the sum of two intersecting sciences, but specifically the development of a fundamentally new scientific direction, which is able to overcome the narrowness of the facts of this direction, providing them with a new vision and explanation. It is for this reason that we should consider cultural linguistics not as a union of linguistics and cultural studies, but as a separate interdisciplinary branch of science, independent in its tasks, goals, object of study and methods.

Linguoculturology as a separate independent science was able to give rise to such concepts as: language of culture, linguocultureme, cultural text, subculture, context of culture, precedent names of culture, linguocultural paradigm, key names of culture, cultural competence, cultural universal, cultural inheritance, cultural process, cultural traditions , cultural settings and others. The conceptual apparatus of linguoculturology also includes such concepts as mentality, mentality, custom, ritual, sphere of culture, civilization, type of culture, paganism and some others.

The most important value of the above concepts are such linguistic units as cultural background, cultural semes, cultural connotations and cultural concepts. It is also worth noting such a concept as Linguocultural paradigm, which implies a set of linguistic forms. They are reflected scientifically, socially, ethnically, historically. The linguocultural paradigm combines categorical words, concepts, precedent names of culture, etc.

In conclusion, linguoculturology and intercultural communication have become two independent disciplines with their own conceptual apparatus in the ten years that have passed since they were separated from linguacultural studies. Each of them has contact with different social sciences in its conceptual apparatus: psychology, sociology, sociolinguistics, cultural studies, ethnolinguistics, psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, etc. These processes are natural, since further optimization of the process of teaching any non-native language is impossible without referring to the data of various sciences: not only linguistics and methodology, but also psycholinguistics, psychology, sociolinguistics, philosophy, general pedagogy, etc.



  1. Zhukova I.N., Proshina Z.G., Lebedko M.G., Yuzefovich N.G. Dictionary of terms of intercultural communication. M.: Flinta. Science, 2013.
  2. Donets P.N. Fundamentals of the general theory of intercultural communication. Kharkov, 2001.
  3. Zinchenko V.G., Zusman V.G., Kirnoze Z.I., Ryabov G.P. Dictionary of Intercultural Communication. Concepts and personalities. M.: Flinta. Science, 2010.
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